Leanne Cusack

canadian landscape artist



For decades Leanne Cusack shone a light on community and creativity on CTV News Ottawa. 


Having left the TV studio for her painting studio, Leanne now shines her personal light and palette of colour onto canvases with fresh, dynamic, textured florals and powerful landscapes. 


Leanne draws inspiration from early childhood memories of the meadows and views at her grandmother’s farm in Antigonish, Nova Scotia—an idyllic property overlooking the harbour.


Her unique Canadian landscapes have striking and dense floral foregrounds—with pastoral landscapes behind – making it her own unique signature.


Life on the Ottawa Valley farm Leanne called home for two decades also made a profound impression and is colourfully visible in her work—in the fields, bales of hay, or beautiful flowers growing along the road.


Leanne has always had a garden and the energy of  her Chelsea, Quebec flowers are reflected in her pieces.


“My paintings are colourful, textured, and joyous.  I want to bring the energy of the outdoors, inside. Many of my paintings are based on how I feel when I am outside, either in a field, or meadow, or on the water.”


Late Bloomer, is Leanne Cusack’s début gallery show, is a homecoming in many ways.  A lifelong lover of art and nature, Leanne first started painting with Gordon Harrison. 


They were New Edinburgh neighbours. Leanne lived just steps away from Gordon’s studio.



The two became friends and her very first painting lesson was with Harrison at his lake-house bed and breakfast, where the two would annually celebrate “their” July birthdays and paint. 


Gordon and I love how Leanne’s incredible energy comes alive on her canvases.  It’s original, bold, joyous and textured, that’s why we invited her to exhibit in the gallery.”


Phil Émond
