Exhibits 2024
December 07, 2024 - January 31, 2025
ottawa. winter friends 2024. harrison. laramée. paterson. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 7. 8.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new collection of winterscapes. Laurentians artist Nathalie Laramée joins us again with her new fairytale collection and Montreal jeweler designer Dawn paterson presents her new one of a kind silver jewelry collection. Come celebrate the season with us and have a little rhum punch while enjoying live festive music.
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
February 07, 2025 - February 28, 2025
Collingwood. Mountainside Gallery. 201 hurontario boulevard. the blue mountains. collingwood ontario.
Solo exhibit of canadian landscape painting by Gordon Harrison.
Friday February 7. 5 pm to 9 pm. opening night with the artist. wine and cheese.
Saturday and Sunday February 8 and 9. 10 am to 6 pm. see him paint live and coach participants and view his work.
Register for a two-day art retreat and paint two paintings under the guidance of Gordon Harrison at the gallery. 900 $ for both days. Includes coaching, supplies and lunch.
Exhibit continues until February 28.
Past exhibits
November 01, 2024 - November 10, 2024
toronto. fall rhapsody two 2024 + two day art wellness retreats. leslie grove gallery. 1158 Queen Street East. Toronto Ontario.
this is a great opportunity to meet our clients and art collectors and present gordon harrison’s latest collection of fall paintings to you. David Thai. contemporary glass sculptor join us to showcase his beautiful glass vases. in addition gordon harrison is offering two-day art wellness painting retreats in the gallery – session one – november 2 and 3 and session two – november 9 and 10. $900 for each session – includes supplies and lunch. you will paint two paintings.
meet gordon harrison on friday saturday and sunday november 1. 2. 3. and 8. 9. 10. 2024. the exhibit ends on november 10. 2024.
the gallery is open to the public weekdays.
October 26, 2024 - November 15, 2024
ottawa. late bloomer. harrison. cusack. gréta. gordon harrison canadian landsacape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
Many many years ago, there was an artist who occupied a quainted little white studio on john street in the community of new edinburgh in ottawa in a development similar to melrose place. neighbours would walk by the gardens and studio and peak at the artist behind his easel. lessons were taking place and each spring the gardens were manicured to host the artist’s annual exhbit of his work in the gardens. one of these neighbours needed no intro – ctv news host leanne cusack. the artist and the tv host developed a beautiful relationship. over the years, leanne was coached by gordon and would spend her birthday painting at his studio in the laurentians. today leanne paints out of her studio in the gardens and landscapes of chelsea québec. we are so very proud to present a very special exhibit – it is about a special lady we met years ago in the gardens of gordon’s studio who remains in our lives – it is about special people we meet through our life journey – it is about sharing what we do well with others and impacting others. enjoy the exhibit.
meet gordon harrison, former ctv news broadcaster leanne cuscack and Laurentians ceramist gréta jonckheere on saturday and sunday October 24, 25, 26. 27. at the gallery.
the exhibit continues until november 15.
October 05, 2024 - October 20, 2024
ottawa. fall rhapsody one 2024. harrison. norrie. paterson. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
gordon harrison presents his new fall collection for 2024. we are also very pleased to welcome for the first time in our gallery as guest artist – canadian landscape landscape artist and potter – Shane Norrie from oxford county and montreal jewelry designer dawn paterson.
meet the artists on saturday and sunday – october 5. 6. 2024.
the exhibit continues until October 20.
September 05, 2024 - September 30, 2024
ottawa. charlevoix, you never disappoint exhibit. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
gordon harrison presents his new collection from his travels to charlevoix québec.
meet gordon Harrison
Thursday and Friday September 5 and 6
5 to 9 pm
the exhibit continues until September 30.
so beautiful with the st. lawrence river and dramatic mountain views that seem to drop into the st. lawrence captured in paintings from so many gifted artists. so artistic. so charlevoisin!
for gordon and i, it is the capital of canadian art. rené richard. marc-aurèle fortin. clarence gagnon. bruno coté. arthur lismer. ay jackson. edwin holgate. these gifted artists painted here and created history. and so did françoise labbé whose museum is named after her. so much history.
and gordon harrison who won first prize in 2014 at rêves d’automne in charlevoix is part of that history.
June 01, 2024 - June 02, 2024
ottawa. summertime gatherings 2024. harrison. laramée. home – studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario.
home-studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario. k1m 2a2.
(the gallery on sussex will be closed during the studio show).
this is an exhibit not to be missed. the walls of the artist home and studio provide a beautiful setting for gordon’s latest collections of canadian landscapes. nathalie laramée, fairy tale artist, joins us again for a second exhibit of the flowers from her gardens.
enjoy a glass of wine and fresh appetizers while touring the house-studio. from 1 to 3 pm, enjoy live music by guitarist dejan rafajlovic.
May 10, 2024 - May 24, 2024
london. folies du printemps 2024. the benz gallery. 1038 adelaide street north. london ontario.
this is a great opportunity to meet our clients and art collectors and present gordon harrison’s latest collection of paintings to you. Greg benz and richard sturgeon will also be part of this wonderful exhibit.
in addition gordon harrison is offering two-day art wellness painting retreats in the gallery on may 11. 12. 2024. $900 – includes supplies and lunch. you will paint two paintings.
meet gordon harrison. greg benz, richard sturgeon. on saturday and sunday may 10. 11. and 12. the exhibit continues until may 31.
May 04, 2024 - May 05, 2024
ottawa. folies du printemps 2024. harrison. laramée. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
a special celebration for the arrival of spring 2024.
gordon harrison and nathalie laramée prsent their new tulip collection – just in time for the arrival of spring!
both gordon and nathlie will be painting tulips live at the gallery on both days. come and see the creative process.
a one day painting coaching session is offered on sunday may 5 by gordon harrison at the gallery on sussex drive. 10 spaces available. 400 $ includes supplies and lunch. you will be painting tulips.
meet gordon harrison and nathalie laramée on saturday and sunday may 4. 5. at the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
December 02, 2023 - January 31, 2024
ottawa. winter friends 2023. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 2. 3.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new collection of winterscapes. Guest artists will include fairy tale aartist Nathalie Laramée from the laurentians québec who joins us for her first exhibit at the gallery and haute-coutture jewelry artist Dawn Paterson. Come celebrate the season with us and have a little rhum punch while enjoying live festive music.
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 23, 2023 - November 28, 2023
toronto. one of a kind winter show 2023. enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto.
meet gordon harrison during ther first five days only of the OOAK winter show and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 850 Canadian artisans. a beautiful show where one full day is not enough.
November 01, 2023 - November 12, 2023
toronto. solo exhibit and two day art wellness retreats. leslie grove gallery. 1158 Queen Street East. Toronto.
this is a great opportunity to meet our clients and art collectors and present gordon harrison’s latest collection of paintings to you. in addition gordon harrison is offering two-day art wellness painting retreats in the gallery – session one – november 4 and 5 and session two – november 11 and 12. $900 for each session – includes supplies and lunch. you will paint two paintings.
meet gordon harrison on saturday and sunday november 4. 5. 11. 12.
the gallery is open to the public weekdays.
October 21, 2023 - November 17, 2023
ottawa. fall rhapsody two. harrison. benz. sturgeon. paterson. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
this is an exhibit not to be missed. gordon and i are proud to welcome back contemporary landscape abstract artist greg benz and sculptor richard sturgeon from london ontario as well as haute-couture jewelry designer dawn paterson from montréal québec.
meet the artists on saturday and sunday – october 21. 22.
the exhibit continues until november 17.
September 23, 2023 - October 19, 2023
ottawa. fall rhapsody one. harrison. lorimer. imai. paterson. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
this is an exhibit not to be missed. gordon and i are proud to welcome back contemporary landscape abstract artist Brian lorimer, inuit inspired sculptor patrick imai and haute-couture jewelry designer dawn paterson from montreal québec.
meet the artists on friday saturday and sunday – september 23. 24.
the exhibit continues until october 19.
June 17, 2023 - June 18, 2023
ottawa. summertime gatherings. harrison. paterson. home – studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario.
home-studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario. k1m 2a2.
(the gallery on sussex will be closed during the studio show).
this is an exhibit not to be missed. the walls of the artist home and studio provide a beautiful setting for gordon’s latest collections of canadian landscapes. dawn paterson, haute-couture jewelry artist, is back with us with her latest collection of one-of-a-kind silver jewelry.
enjoy a glass of wine and fresh appetizers while touring the house-studio. from 1 to 3 pm, enjoy live music by guitarist dejan rafajlovic.
April 13, 2023 - April 16, 2023
toronto. Artist Project Contemporary Fair 2023.
Better Living Centre – exhibition place – 100 princes boulevard – toronto
we are back toronto! gordon harrison will showcase his latest collections of canadian landscape paintings. See you there!
March 25, 2023 - April 21, 2023
ottawa. A new day has come 2023. harrison. taylor. mark.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday March 25. 26. exhibit continues until april 21.
A new day has come tells the story of the many Canadians who at some time almost doubted that a better would come but with persistence and belief over time a new day has come for them. In June 2022, I was priviliged to coach 20 artists from the Blue Mountain School of Landscape. It was a thrilling experience for me during the pandemic as it was rescheduled three times and it finally happened. I was inspired by the landscape of Thornbury and Clarksburgh as it reminded me that these moments are worth waiting for.
Kate Taylor, Contemporary abstract artist from Toronto, joins us as one of our two guest artists to present her new spring collection – as well we welcomee back Lena Mark with a new jewelry collection.
Come join us and celebrate a new day!
February 18, 2023 - March 17, 2023
ottawa. Come Fly Away and Le Printemps Exhibit. harrison. ebrahimi.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday February 18. 19. exhbits continues until march 20.
Add some excitment to your winter plans and come and see glimpses of spring in the latest collection of Gordon Harrison’s – le printemps – from gatineau. Contemporary abstract artist Myryam Ebrahim from Toronto joins us to present her new come fly away collection.
Add a touch of art to your winter days – it makes everything perfect!
December 03, 2022 - January 20, 2023
ottawa. winter friends 2022-23. harrison. al obaidi. van wynsberghe. benz. paterson. sturgeon. thai. goodman.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 3. 4. 10. 11.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new winter woods collection. The 8 guest artists include – Dania Al-Obaidi – encaustic contemporary artist from toronto – jocelyn van wynsberghe – canadian landscape artist from ottawa – greg benz – contemporary abstratct lansdscape artist from London – Dawn Paterson – haute-couture jewelery designer from Montréal – david thai contemporary glass artist from Oakville – Patrick Imai – inspired inuit stone sculptor from Ottawa.
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 04, 2022 - November 20, 2022
lake simcoe. symphony of birches exhibit 2022. cloud gallery.
cloud gallery. 23 Mississauga street west. Orillia.
meet gordon harrison and dawn paterson.
November 4. opening night. artist talk.
November 5 and 6. Gordon Harrison will be painting live.
Exhibit continues until November 17.
the exhibit continues until November 20.
October 21, 2022 - October 23, 2022
ottawa. fall exhibit 2022. harrison. benz. sturgeon. thai. paterson.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
this is an exhibit not to be missed. gordon and i are proud to welcome contemporary landscape abstract artist greg benz and sculptor richard sturgeon from london ontario as well as glass scul;ptor david thai from oakville ontario and haute-couture jewelry designer dawn paterson from montreal québec.
meet the artists on friday saturday and sunday – october 21. 22. 23.
the exhibit continues until november 30.
September 23, 2022 - September 25, 2022
ottawa. September Exhibit. september 2022.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
Exhibit of Canadian landscapes by Gordon Harrison. Guest artists – Helen Utsal – landscape artist from the comox valley – british columbia presents the landscapes of western canada – and Lena Mark presents her new collection of custom jewelry to accessorize your fall wardrobe.
September 13, 2022 - September 18, 2022
collingwood. coaching and exhibit of harrison and his plein-air students. september 2022.
190 jozo weider boulevard. the blue mountains. collingwood ontario. l9y 0p7
solo exhibit of canadian landscape painting by gordon harrison. joining gordon will be the students who painted plein-air with him in june 2022 and showcasing one of their plein-air paintings.
paintings will be on display oas of tuesday september 13 until sunday september 18.
meet gordon harrison and his students on friday september 16 from 5 – 9 pm.
June 10, 2022 - June 12, 2022
solo exhibit in toronto at home of designer susan gurau
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
meet gordon harrison on and see his latest collections of canadian landscape paintings for sale. gordon will also be painting live and coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau. dawn patterson is back to exhibit a new collection of haute-couture silver jewelry.
register now for the one day coaching session on saturday june 11 and sunday june 11 2022. $500 for a one day or $900 for both days – includes supplies and lunch. contact the gallery to register.
April 26, 2022 - May 14, 2022
solo exhibition at the westland gallery in london ontario
westland gallery – 156 wortley road – london ontario – canada
friday – april 29 2022
opening night with gordon harrison
saturday and sunday – april 30 and may 1 2022
register for one or two days of coaching at the gallery in london ontario with gordon harrison .
April 21, 2022 - April 24, 2022
Toronto Artist Project Contemporary Fair 2022
Queen Elizabeth Building – exhibition place – 100 princes boulevard – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of canadian landscape paintings.
March 25, 2022 - March 27, 2022
Yes spring has sprung again!!!
gordon harrison canaidan landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa ontario
come celebrate spring with us. discover gordon harriosn’s new spring collection. also meet lema mark – fashion jewelry designer – who joins us again – and dioscover her new jewelry collection.
December 11, 2021 - December 12, 2021
madawaska in white 2021. 2022.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 11 and 12.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new madawaska in white collection of winterscapes. welcome to our guest artists – angela lane, canadian impressionist encaustic nature artist, and lena mark, jewelry fashion designer, joins us for her first exhibit at the gallery
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 25, 2021 - December 05, 2021
one of a kind winter show 2021
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 850 Canadian artisans. a beautiful show where one full day is not enough.
November 12, 2021 - November 21, 2021
automne inoubliable exhibit in lake Simcoe – orillia
cloud gallery. 23 Mississauga street west. Orillia.
meet gordon harrison.
November 12. opening night. artist talk.
November 13 and 14. register to paint with gordon Harrison. one day. 450$ includes coaching, supplies and lunch.
the exhibit continues until November 21.
October 22, 2021 - November 30, 2021
automne inoubliable exhibit with gordon harrison and jenny pearson-millar
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
Gordon harrison presents his new fall collection ‘automne inoubliable’. special guest artist jenny pearson-millar joins the gallery for her first solo exhibit the trees of life at the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
September 14, 2021 - September 19, 2021
Coaching and Fall Exhibit in Collingwood
brights gallery – 190 jozo weider boulevard – the blue mountains – collingwood ontario
gordon harrison is offering two -day coaching sessions at the brights gallery. contact the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery to register.
from tuesday september 14 to sunday september 19 gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings will be exhbited and for sale the brights gallery. drop by and say hello
September 10, 2021 - September 12, 2021
a fall affair with gordon harrison in toronto
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new fall collection 2021 will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live and coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on friday september 10 and sunday september 11 2021. $450 for a one day session – includes supplies and lunch. contact the gallery to register.
December 04, 2020 - December 13, 2020
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2020. 2021.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 5 6 12 and 13.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new winter friends collection of winterscapes. Guest artists Brian Lorimer his new collection cabin series and Dawn Paterson, her new haute-couture jewelery amadonte collection.
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 26, 2020 - December 06, 2019
one of a wind winter show 2020
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 800 artisans. a beautiful show.
October 27, 2020 - November 14, 2020
Harrison Britton Philpott and Hillcock
Proud to be part of this exhibit at the Westland Gallery.
Westland Gallery – 156 Wortley Road – London Ontario – Canada
October 21, 2020 - November 30, 2020
fall rhapsody with gordon harrison 2020
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
Gordon harrison presents his new fall collection and new sculptures from Richard Sturgeon.
September 11, 2020 - September 14, 2020
a fall affair in toronto with gordon harrison and sara petroff
home of designer sara petroff – former owner of petroff gallery
11 beaver valley road – toronto ontario – canada
gordon harrison joins sara petroff and present their new collections. Dawn paterson – haute-couture jewelery artist – joins them also. see gordon harison on friday and saturday coaching participants in the beautiful backyards of this residence.
April 25, 2020 - April 26, 2020
a spring affair in ottawa in 2020
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex Drive – ottawa Ontario
virtual exhibit and online
Gordon Harrison presents his new collection Ballade du printemps.
The collection features new spring work from entrelacs, piedmont, sainte-marguerite-du-lac-masson, tremblant in the laurentians Québec as well as kamouraska Québec.
Shipping worldwide
February 20, 2020 - February 23, 2020
Toronto Artist Project – contemporary art fair 2020
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth 213
february 20 – 23
thursday (20) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (21) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (22) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (23) 11 am – 6 pm
December 07, 2019 - February 28, 2020
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2019. 2020.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his latest collection of winterscapes – neiges. Guest artists – ceramist andrea piller from prince edward county – sculptor richard sturgeon from london – glass artist david thai from oakville – and haute-couture jewelery designer dawn paterson from toronto jennifer verma also joins us for the release of her new book cod collapse
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 7 and 8.
November 21, 2019 - December 01, 2019
one of a kind winter show 2019
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 800 artisans. a beautiful show.
November 02, 2019 - November 03, 2019
buongiorno italia 2019!
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa ontario
a 2-day only exhibit of paintings from tuscany from gordon harrison and 9 of the artists who joined him on his retreat to tuscany in june 2019
meet the artists on saturday and sunday november 2 and 3
elaine trudel – jane magee – norma lee – barbara hannehan – diane houde – sharon smith – tracey kucheravy – janet dollin – jocelyne Moreau
October 04, 2019 - October 06, 2019
fall rhapsody with Gordon Harrison in ottawa 2019
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
vip evening – Friday – October 4 starting at 6 pm
buy your tickets now – $130 per person – limited to 60. Leanne Cusack takes us through an enchanted fall evening at the gallery as we celebrate fall with live background music during a cocktail. the gallery is transformed into a beautiful white table cloth dining room where a four course dinner paired with vintage wines by Les Flavoureux awaits you after the cocktail.
September 20, 2019 - September 22, 2019
fall rhapsody with Gordon Harrison in London
Westland gallery – 156 Wortley road – London ontario.
meet gordon harrison on saturday and sunday September 20. 21. 22.
gordon harrison will be painting live at the gallery on Saturday and Sunday.
September 06, 2019 - September 09, 2019
solo exhibit of the landscapes of newfoundland – friendly winds from the sea
gordon harrison Canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa ontario
gordon harrison presents his new collection friendly winds from the sea from his trip to Newfoundland in June 2019. Gordon Harrison will be taking 22 participants to paint in Newfoundland in 2020.
June 07, 2019 - June 09, 2019
15th annual exhibit at Gordon Harrison’s studio in ottawa
studio of Canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, Ontario
15th annual exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in Ottawa. enjoy live music, wine and appetizers.
May 31, 2019 - June 02, 2019
a spring affair with Gordon Harrison in toronto
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new spring collection 2019 will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live an coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on may 31 or June 1. contact the gallery to register.
April 12, 2019 - May 31, 2019
a spring affair in ottawa 2019
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex Drive – ottawa, Ontario
meet gordon harrison as well as guest artists Patricia gray, cathy Lefvert and Charlotte Williams on Friday april 12 Saturday April 13 and Sunday April 14 at the gallery.
featuring new collections by award winning canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – Guest artists – contemporary artists cathy Lefvert, Patricia gray and Charlotte Williams.
come experience spring all over again!
February 21, 2019 - February 24, 2019
Toronto Artist Contemporary Art Fair 2019
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth 237
february 21 – 24
thursday (21) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (22) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (23) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (24) 11 am – 6 pm
December 08, 2018 - February 28, 2019
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver. 2018. 2019.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his latest collection of winterscapes – paysages d’hiver. Guest artists from Québec include – Michel Leroux, landscape artist from Boucherville, Québec and Martha Markowski, cityscape artist from Lachine. Also rediscover beautiful haute-couture silver jewelry by dawn paterson from toronto and ceramics by Andrea Piller from Prince Edward County.
November 22, 2018 - December 02, 2018
one of a kind christmas show 2018 – toronto
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 800 artisans. a beautiful show.
October 12, 2018 - October 14, 2018
fall rhapsody 2018
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
vip evening – Friday – October 12 starting at 6 pm
buy your tickets now – $130 per person – limited to 60. Leanne Cusack takes us through an enchanted fall evening at the gallery as we celebrate the official opening of our new gallery. enjoy cocktails and appetizers with live background music by Kelly Tang, cellist and Patrick Kline, violinist. the gallery is transformed into a beautiful white table cloth dining room where a four course dinner paired with vintage wines by Les Flavoureux awaits you.
September 22, 2018 - September 23, 2018
a fall affair in collingwood 2018
brights gallery – 190 bozo mountains – collingwood – ontario – l9y 0p7
meet gordon harrison on saturday and sunday September 22 and 23 from 10 am to 6 pm
gordon harrison will be painting live at the gallery.
September 07, 2018 - September 09, 2018
solo exhibit of the landscape of tuscany in italy by gordon harrison
that’s amore – a unique exhibit of the tuscany landscape by award winning canadian landscape artist of gordon harrison.
meet gordon harrison on Friday to Sunday, September 7, 8 and 9 at the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
gordon harrison presents a unique collection from his travels to tuscany in april 2018. Tuscany – the capital of italian renaissance known for its landscapes, artistic legacy and wines and home to many figures influential in the history of art and science and museums.
register now for art retreat with Canadian landscape artist gordon harrison in tuscany in may 2019.
August 04, 2018 - August 05, 2018
symposium des arts du domaine saint-bernard
meet over 30 artists and sculptors as part of the 12th annual symposium and see many of the artists at work.
539 saint-bernard road – tremblant – québec – canada
June 15, 2018 - June 17, 2018
solo exhibit of gordon harrison at home of designer susan gurau in toronto
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new collections will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live an coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on june 15, 16 or. contact the gallery to register.
June 02, 2018 - June 10, 2018
14th annual studio show at gordon harrison’s studio in ottawa
studio of Canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, Ontario
14th annual exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in Ottawa. enjoy live music, wine and appetizers.
April 14, 2018 - May 31, 2018
a spring affair in ottawa 2018
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – ottawa, Ontario
meet gordon harrison, margarethe vanderpas and peter barrelkowski on april 14 and 15 at the gallery.
featuring new collections by award winning canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – Guest artists – contemporary artist margarethe vanderpas from the bruce peninsula who is inspired by the waters and limestone cliffs of the Bruce Peninsula and the shorelines of Lake Superior and Georgian Bay. peter barelkowski from toronto showcases human conditions like isolation and alienation creating a paradox between his joyful colours and darker subject matter as a form of subtle escapism, the figures in his paintings are depicted in a one dimensional, cartoonish style – with almost grotesque undertones.
come experience spring all over again!
March 10, 2018 - March 11, 2018
group painting coaching and exhibit of new works at designer susan mcmullen in newmarket
first exhibit of new canadian landscape paintings by gordon harrison at designer susan mcmullen in newmarket. a two day event only.
during the exhibit gordon harrison will be offering one day painting coaching days for groups of 12. to register, please contact the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
February 22, 2018 - February 25, 2018
Toronto Artist Project Contemporary Art Fair 2018
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth – TBC
february 22 – 25
thursday (22) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (23) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (24) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (25) 11 am – 6 pm
for discounted tickets click here and enter code TBC
December 08, 2017 - February 28, 2018
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2017-18
gordon Harrison Canadian landscape gallery – 262 Coltrin Road – Rockcliffe Park – Ontario
This is a very unique and beautiful exhibit. It takes place in a fully renovated stunning house in Rockcliffe Park. Gordon Harrison will exhibit his latest collection of winterscapes throughout the house along with invited guest artists – Martha Markowsky and Pauline Paquin. Dawn Paterson from Victoria is back with her collection of haute-couture silver jewelry. We also welcome for the first time Potter Andrea Piller from Prince Edward County.
Enjoy a beautiful house decor, live music on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 3 pm with mulled wine and Christmas desserts.
We ask that you bring along a small ornament to help us decorate two Christmas trees that will be donated along with $50 for each sold painting to two families in need identified by CHEO foundation.
Special thanks to Michael Valiquette and the owners.
November 23, 2017 - December 03, 2017
one of a kind Christmas show in Toronto 2017
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison in booth w12 and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live.
October 13, 2017 - November 30, 2017
fall rhapsody 2017
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – ottawa, ontario
vip evening – Friday – October 13 starting at 6 pm
buy your tickets now – $130 per person – limited to 50. Leanne Cusack takes us through an enchanted fall evening at the gallery while you enjoy vintage wines by sommelier Presseau, wine pairing dinner by Steven Becka from Play – the gallery tranforms itself into a beautiful white table cloth dining room all under the voice and music of Ottawa singer songwriter anne lewis.
be the first to see the new fall collections by award winning Canadian landscape artist gordon harrison and contemporary landscape artist dan ryan.
September 08, 2017 - September 17, 2017
lumières de Provence – france 2017
studio of Canadian landscape artist of gordon harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, ontario
gordon harrison presents his new collection Lumières de Provence from his travels to provence in may 2017. provence – one of the most beautiful and painted region of France by the great masters – Cézanne, Van Goh, Matisse, Gaugin et Picasso. discover how gordon harrison captures on canvas with his unique style the landscape of the regions of France while enjoying wines from the vineyard château-neuf-du-pape from the Rhône region of the south of france.
register now for art retreats with Canadian landscape artist gordon harrison in provence in may 2018 and Tuscany in may 2019.
June 02, 2017 - June 04, 2017
garden exhibit of gordon Harrison paintings at his studio
studio of Canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, Ontario
13th annual garden exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in Ottawa. enjoy live music, wine and appetizers.
May 26, 2017 - May 28, 2017
a spring affair with gordon harrison in toronto 2017
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new spring collection 2017 will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live an coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on may 26 or may 28. contact the gallery to register.
April 28, 2017 - April 30, 2017
a spring affair in ottawa 2017
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – ottawa, Ontario
featuring a new collection by award winning canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – poèmes en paysages – a collection of landscapes from lac-des-îles where gordon grew up as child inspired by the laurentian forests and the many islands of the lake – a place that continues to inspire him. Guest artists include – contemporary abstract landscape artist mike smith and contemporary sculptors richard sturgeon and patrick imai. come experience spring all over again!
April 08, 2017 - April 09, 2017
Gordon harrison and his apprentices 2017
Manotick art gallery and framing – 5517 Main Street – Manotick – ontario
The Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery is proud to partner with Manotick Art Gallery and Framing. Meet gordon harrison and 20 of his apprentices during the official opening of the gallery space.
February 23, 2017 - February 26, 2017
Toronto Artist Project Contemporary Art Fair 2017
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth 631
february 23 – 26
thursday (23) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (24) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (25) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (26) 11 am – 6 pm
for discounted tickets click here and enter code TAP10YRS
December 09, 2016 - February 26, 2017
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2016-17
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
There is something magical about the arrival of winter – the first snow flakes bring out that little child inside all of us as the trees quickly put on their magical winter coats.
Gordon harrison presents his new collection of les manteaux blancs de l’hiver. Guests artists – Brian Lorimer who painted massive murals throughout Canada and the United States who finds strong inspiration near his studio on mississagagon lake near bon echo provincial park and prince edward island where he spends his summers – and Dan Ryan from Toronto back at the gallery for his 5th exhibition showing his wither collection of abstract canadian landscapes. Dawn Paterson from Vancouver Island is back showcasing her latest collection of haute-couture jewelry and Joan Young from Cantley Québec joins us for the first time to exhibit her collection of textile wearable art – perfect Christmas gifts.
November 24, 2016 - December 04, 2016
one of a kind christmas show 2016
direct energy centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of waterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live at the booth l-35.
November 01, 2016 - November 23, 2016
solo exhibit at the petroff gallery 2016
petroff gallery – 1016 eglington avenue west – toronto
October 06, 2016 - October 09, 2016
fall rhapsody 2016
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
vip annual event with canadian landscape artist gordon
thursday, october 6 – vip launch of fall rhapsody exhibit
tickets $130 per person – vip many of food and imported wines at les fougères – limited to 55 tickets. come discover our new fall collection and the new look at les fougères
friday – saturday – sunday – october 7, 8 and 9
view gordon harrison’s new fall collection. guest artist dan ryan is back at the gallery with his fall collection.
on friday, meet serge presseau, sommelier, who will have vintage wines for you to flavour with our new fall collection.
September 29, 2016 - October 31, 2016
Open Books – 13 international artists including gordon harrison explore chinese folding art books
opening night with artists and public on wednesday september 28 2016 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
national archives and library of canada – 395 wellington street – ottawa
exhibition continues until november 30 2016
Gordon was asked by maureen mcteer and artist mary husted to participate in this international initiative. Gordon painted canadian landscapes – from coast to coast – in a chinese folding art book that will be on display at the national archives and library of canada and part of of a broader international exhibit.
“The Open Books project started in Wales with artist and curator Mary Husted, and has travelled artistically from there to England, Australia, Hong Kong and China, adding new artists in each place, and enlarging the artistic conversation and interpretation each of them brings. As the exhibition moves to Canada this September, thirteen of our own artists will each contribute their individual artistic talent and interpretations to this blossoming international dialogue about the Chinese folding book.
Gordon Harrison’s interpretation will carry on his tradition of using oil paints to render the endless and breathtaking Canadian landscape. From east to west and on to the north, Gordon interprets what he sees in an ever changing seasonal environment of land, trees, water, mountain and sky. Awards and tributes have not dulled his sense of wonder and respect for the grandeur of these marvels across the country; nor has his success as a respected and celebrated artist, here and abroad, altered his infectious enthusiasm for his work and his chosen subjects. We are all delighted that Gordon made the time to be part of this major international initiative. His presence gives the exhibition prestige and prominence. Thank you, Gordon. ”
Maureen McTeer
Lawyer, author, friend and art collector
September 24, 2016 - September 25, 2016
Rêves d’automne 2016 – Festival of painting
baie-saint-paul – charlevoix – quebec
Gordon Harrison invited as one of the 20 Canadian artists to partake in Rue à peindre where the 20 artists paint live and the paintings are part of a silent and live auction. In 2014, Gordon Harrison won first prize at National painting contest in Baie-Saint-Paul.
September 17, 2016 - September 18, 2016
new edinburgh artist studio tour 2016
studio of gordon harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa – ontario
for the very first time in the new edinburgh community in ottawa, 17 artists from this community open the doors of their studio to showcase their talent proudly displaying their work – many painting live.
for more details and map of all artist studios – www.nestudiotour.com
September 09, 2016 - September 11, 2016
les secrets du fjord-du-saguenay du québec
Studio of gordon harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa – ontario
each year gordon harrison travels to a new destination of canada. in june 2016, gordon travelled to the sauguenay fjord national park. gordon shares a new collection depicting the secrets of this beautiful area of québec – how nature used its colossal strength to created its majestic fjord.
June 03, 2016 - June 05, 2016
13th annual garden exhibit at gordon harrison’s studio
gordon harrison’s studio – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa
enjoy a glass of wine, appetizers and new collections of canadian landscapes at the artist’s studio and residence in new edinburgh in ottawa. the exhibit is part of doors open 2016.
May 20, 2016 - May 22, 2016
a spring affair in toronto 2016
home of designer susan gurau
180 hillhurst boulevard – toronto
gordon harrison presents his new spring collection in the home of designer – art consultant susan gurau in forest hill. gordon harrison will also be painting live in the gardens. meet gordon harrison and phil émond.
May 06, 2016 - May 08, 2016
a spring affair in ottawa 2016
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
meet gordon harrison, sharon barr and dan ryan from toronto.
April 14, 2016 - April 17, 2016
Art expo New York 2016
pier 94 – new york, new york
Since 1978, International Artexpo is the world’s largest juried fine art trade show. It is the only fine art trade show offering industry professionals access to thousands of wholesale works from international artists and publishers under one roof.
February 18, 2016 - February 21, 2016
toronto artist project – international contemporary art fair 2016
better living centre – exhibition place – toronto
Meet Gordon Harrison at both 617 and see him painting live at the show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One of Canada’s most prestigious art symposiums showcasing the talent of over 250 contemporary artists from Canada and abroad.
December 11, 2015 - December 13, 2015
Les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2015-16
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Gordon Harrison presents his new winter collection of “the white coats of winter”. Two new Canadian landscape artists will be joining us – Canadian landscape artist Dan Ryan from Toronto as well as Québec artist Pauline Paquin from the Laurentians. Also joining us – Dawn paterson, haute-couture jeweler – an exhibit where one will find the perfect holiday gifts. Gift certificates also available.
November 26, 2015 - December 06, 2015
One of a Kind Toronto Christmas Show 2015
Direct Energy Building – Toronto Exhibition Place
Gordon harrison will be present painting live during this 11 day show.
November 01, 2015 - November 25, 2015
Solo Exhibit at the Petroff Gallery in Toronto
Petroff Gallery – 1016 Eglington West – Toronto
Meet Gordon Harrison on November 5, 6, 7 and 8. Gordon paints live on November 6, 7 and 8. Exhibit continues to November 25.
October 01, 2015 - October 31, 2015
Fall Rhapsody – Rhapsodie des couleurs 2015
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive Ottawa, ON
Canadian landscape artist Gordon Harrison presents his new fall collection- Rhapsodie des couleurs from St-Donat, Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci et La Tuque in the Laurentians. René Tardif is back and presents a new collection with large colourful skies. Impressionist-cubist artist Robert Leclerc joins us for the very first time.
September 25, 2015 - September 28, 2015
Rêves d’automne 2015 – Festival of painting
Gordon Harrison invited as one of the 20 Canadian artists to partake in Rue à peindre. In 2014, Gordon Harrison won first prize at National painting contest in Baie-Saint-Paul.
September 11, 2015 - September 13, 2015
seaside poetry from atlantic canada
Studio of Canadian Landscape Artist Gordon Harrison – 67 Rideau Terrace – Ottawa, ON
In June 2015, I went back to Atlantic Canada to hear and feel the poetry offered by its sea, fishing dories, harbours and unique landscapes. I was back revisiting this beautiful region of Canada years later, the towns many have changed a bit but the sea still tells the same story – that of tranquility, beauty and endless horizon. How I missed it.
July 31, 2015 - August 23, 2015
Lac-Tremblant Nord – Today and Yesterday – 100 years later
municipality of tremblant – 1147 saint-jovite – tremblant
gordon harrison canadian landscape galleries in ottawa and saint-sauveur
The town of lac-tremblant-nord invited gordon harrison and other artists who paint the laurentians to celebrate the 100th anniversary of a town where maurice cullen, mentor of the Group of Seven, and Edwin Holgate who joined the Group of Seven held residences in the ealy 1900’s and painted tremblant-nord.
In March 2015, gordon joined artists michel normandeau, helmut lagender, juan cristobal and other québec artists in a plein-air painting experience on lac-tremblant-nord. A beautiful moment to remember.
July 01, 2015 - October 11, 2015
Open doors – Gordon Harrison’s studio in the Laurentians
Studio of Gordon Harrison – 90, chemin du lac-violon – sainte-marguerite-du-lac-masson, laurentians – 450-228-2539
Drop by the artist’s studio and see the artist at work preparing his latest collection of oil paintings. Enjoy a glass of wine, a chat and visit his studio and bed and breakfast – a location that has provided inspiration to Gordon Harrison for more than 60 years. Studio open 7 days a week 7 am to 8 pm.
June 05, 2015 - June 07, 2015
Annual Garden Exhibit 2015
Studio of Canadian Landscape Artist Gordon Harrison – 67 Rideau Terrace – Ottawa
Not to be missed – the 12th annual garden exhibit part of Doors Open Ottawa 2015. Gordon, Phil and Doors Open Ottawa volunteers welcome you at Gordon’s studio where the artist creates his new collections of canadian landscapes and coaches people. Come and discover new collections of Canadian landscapes while enjoying a glass of wine with live classical music from our cellist and violist. Can life get any better?
May 01, 2015 - June 30, 2015
A Spring Affair 2015
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
There is no better feeling that experiencing this change in season – spring! Come discover Gordon Harrison’s latest collection and delightful new artists and new works by Bev Jenkins and discover her sculpted oil landscapes – sacha with the alleys of montréal that take you right into them – lise butters with her spring florals – and angela verlaeckt clark who gives new voices to two new 2 million years old stones – sculptures
March 25, 2015 - March 29, 2015
One of a Kind Spring Show 2015
Direct energy Centre – Toronto Exhibition Place
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Gordon Harrison and see him paint live.
March 10, 2015 - March 20, 2015
3rd Annual Gordon Harrison Apprentices Show
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Meet the apprentices on Friday March 10 to Sunday March 12
Over the years Gordon Harrison has coached 100’s of people in our community. This exhibit showcases the talent of the apprentices coached by Gordon over the last year. Come and see their work. All work $350 to $700 framed.
February 19, 2015 - February 22, 2015
8th Annual Toronto Artist Project – Contemporary Art Fair 2015
Booth 629 – Better Living Centre – Toronto Exhibition Place
Meet Gordon Harrison and Phil Emond at the Fair. Joining us will be our sculptor ANgela Verlaeckt Clark.
January 31, 2015 - February 08, 2015
Art Auction – Gordon Harrison Art Inspiration Journey – The Creative Canadian Souls
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Come support our young artists ages 9 to 12 years from Ottawa Montessori school. 21 students and 3 teachers participated in the 4th art inspiration journey and lived life as an artist through coaching by Canadian landscape artist Gordon Harrison. Minimum bids $50. Maximum bid $100 with first right of refusal to the family. A bid on a painting inspires our young ones and makes them feel as a true artist. Bid by phone and by email. All paintings and current bids online under the tab artist – apprentices of Gordon Harrison.
Join us on February 8 from noon to 3 pm and meet our young artists who take on the role as gallerists and auctioneers and announce the winners at 3 pm.
December 12, 2014 - February 28, 2015
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2015
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Meet the artists on December 13 to 15. Gordon Harrison presents his new collection of winterscapes. Reknowned Quebec artists Sacha who paints the alleys of Montreal and Louis Tremblay known for his Charlevoix masterpieces join us. Sculptures by Angela Verlaeckt Clark and design silver jewelery by Dawn Paterson. Enjoy background live jazz music by Ken Seeley Jazz Duo and mulled wine, hot apple cider and festive treats. Artists will be painting live at the gallery on Sunday, December 14.
November 27, 2014 - December 07, 2014
one of a kind christmas show – toronto
Toronto Exhibition Place – 200 Princes’ Boulvevard – Toronto
Meet Canadian landscape artist Gordon Harrison and see him painting live during the exhibit. Please contact the gallery for complimentary tickets.
November 06, 2014 - December 31, 2014
The Colours of Canada in Toronto
Petroff Gallery – 1016 Eglinton Avenue West – Toronto
Artist talk on Thursday, November 6 at 6:30 pm as Gordon introduces his new collecti0n of paintings. Meet Gordon Harrison and see him painting live at the Petroff Gallery on November 7, 8 and 9.
October 09, 2014 - November 30, 2014
fall rhapsody 2014
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery 495 Sussex Drive Ottawa 613.746.6853
Official launch on Thursday, October 2 at Les Fougères Restaurant in Old Chelsea with a sommelier and singer. Tickers are $100 per person plus taxes and gratuities.
Feel the magical colours of our fall season and enjoy a new collection by Gordon Harrison of Canadian landscape paintings from Les Collines de l’Outaouais, Gatineau Park and the Laurentians. We are also proud to feature a new collection by abstract landscape artist Peter Colbert and for the very first time, expressionist landscape artist, Sheila Davis from Lake Simcoe, Ontario. Angela Verlaeckt Clark, our sculptor, joins us as well and unveils two new sculptures.
September 26, 2014 - September 28, 2014
24th Edition of Symposium Rêves d’Automne – Official Opening of the Festival of Painting – A Street to Paint
Festival of Painting allows you to discover greatly talented artists whose reputation goes beyond Québec’s borders. The quality of the artists who participate in this unique event in Charlevoix is one of the reasons of its remarkable success. Gordon Harrison is one of the 20 great Canadian artists juried to partake in the official opening of one the most Rêves d’automne, The 20 artists will paint a street in Baie-Saint-Paul. Gordon Harrison est l’un des 20 grands maîtres de la peinture à être invités pour l’ouverture officielle du symposium, l’un des plus importants symposiums d’art Canadien.
Rêves d’automne Place
4 Ambroise-Fafard Street
Baie-Saint-Paul, Charlevoix, Québec
September 19, 2014 - October 31, 2014
shapphire lakes and jack pine ridges of killarney
Gordon Harrison’s studio – 67 Rideau Terrace – off Springfield in New Edinburgh, Ottawa
Gordon Harrison presents his new collection from his summer trip to Northern Ontario – Killarney and Georgian Bay.
September 05, 2014 - September 07, 2014
2014 TRACES Symposium
1521, route 309 Nord
L’Ange-Gardien, Outaouais, Québec
(30 minutes from Ottawa)
Gordon Harrison is invited as Honourary President for this symposium in the Outaoauis region where 30 professional artists and sculptors create works in the natural landscape environment of the forests of L’Ange-Gardien. Come and browse through the natural trails and discover their work available for sale – some of which created collectively by the participating artists.
June 30, 2014 - September 14, 2014
Clins d’œil d’été
Artist Residence and Studio – Pine Point Lake House – 90, chemin du lac-violon – Sainte-Marguerite-du-lac-Masson, QC
Visit the artist while in his residence and studio for the summer. Drop in and discover the latest collections the artist is working on at his Laurentians studio.
Paintings also on display in the Laurentians at
– Restaurant A L’Express Gourmand – Sainte-Adèle, QC
– La Chaumière du Village – Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC
June 06, 2014 - June 08, 2014
12th Annual Garden Exhibit at Gordon Harrison’s Studio
Gordon Harrison’s Studio – 67 Rideau Terrace – Ottawa
Annual garden exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the new studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in ottawa. part of doors open ottawa 2014.
The New Edinburgh Studio is where Gordon Harrison spends endless hours putting his passion on canvas. The studio is located in the New Edinburgh community in Ottawa where the artist lives.
The Annual Garden Exhibit is a very special and unique happening in the community. It takes place on the first weekend in June each year. The event is much enjoyed by art collectors, our clients, the public and the artist. Gordon Harrison’s Canadian landscapes find a new home for a few days in the gardens surrounding the artist’s studio as one follows the artist’s recent travels through his art and enjoys a glass of wine, appetizers and live music from local talented musicians. The event is so popular and so well enjoyed that the City of Ottawa has added the exhibit and tour of the artist studio on the Doors Open Ontario, a beautiful tribute to Gordon Harrison’s work.
The Gordon Harrison Gallery is proud of its association and support to talented local musicians in our community who every year perform at this event.
April 10, 2014 - April 13, 2014
Toronto Art Expo 2014
Metro Toronto Convention Centre – 255 Front Street West – Toronto
Opening Night – Thursday, April 10 from 6 to 10 pm – contact the gallery for complementary tickets for opening night
April 04, 2014 - June 01, 2014
a spring affair 2014
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
“If people did not love one another, I really don’t see what use there would be in having any spring.” Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
Michel Pleau, Sacha Barette and Gordon Harrison. Featuring the alleys of Montreal by contemporary Quebec artist Sacha Barrette and Quebec landcapes by Michel Pleau and Gordon Harrison.
Meet the artists at the gallery on April 4 – 6 2014
February 14, 2014 - March 30, 2014
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
“My grandmother always used to say, summer friends will melt away liek summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” Author George R R Martin
An exhibit of winter magical paintings of villages of Quebec and Charlebois en Blanc collections from the Laurentians by Gordon Harrison; winter landscapes of the alleys of Montreal, National Capital and Charlevois by Martha Markowsky; and whimsical winterlude and National Capital scenes from Bhat Boy.
December 06, 2013 - December 08, 2013
meet the artists : les manteaux blancs de l’hiver
exhibit continues to march 1 2014
gordon harrison gallery
495 sussex drive
ottawa, ontario
an exhibition of winterscapes from the gatineau park, the laurentians and charlevoix region by Gordon Harrison and Quebec’s plein air artist, René Tardif. Also featuring haute couture jewellery by dulce.
November 28, 2013 - December 02, 2013
One of a Kind Christmas Show – Toronto
Toronto Exhibition Place
100 Princes Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario
November 02, 2013 - December 16, 2013
fall colours at the petroff gallery in toronto
Petroff Gallery
1016 Eglington Avenue West
See the new colours of Canada in Gordon Harrison’s new collections – magie de l’automne from the Laurentians and Rouge enchante from the Gatineau Park. Artist talk on Thursday November 14 at 6:30 pm. Gordon will be painting live at Petroff Friday to Sunday, November 15 to 17. 2014 calendars and books available.
October 17, 2013 - November 30, 2013
fall rhapsody – exhibit of canadian landscape paintings
exhibit continues to November 30
Gordon Harrison Gallery
495 Sussex Drive
fall rhapsody 2013 and official opening of gordon harrison’s new studio in ottawa
official launch on Thursday, October 17 at les fougeres restaurant in old Chelsea with sommelier martin charlebois and singer. tickers are $100 per person.
official opening of the artist’s new studio in new Edinburgh. feel the magical colours of our fall season and enjoy a new collection by gordon harrison of Canadian landscape paintings from charlevoix, gatineau park and the laurentians.
October 05, 2013 - October 06, 2013
Reves d’automne : Festival de peinture 2013
Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec
Gordon Harrison paints Charlevoix on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Street as part of Rêves d’automne, Festival of Painting, a continuation of artistic tradition over time. In the heart of Baie-Saint-Paul, come celebrate the sheer beauty of the Charlevoix landscapes that have always inspired the most talented artists. We offer a rich program. Don’t wait to discover all the activities!
July 01, 2013 - September 15, 2013
artist studio in the laurentians
90, chemin du lac-violon,
ste-marguerite-du-lac-masson, quebec
(25 minutes north east of saint-sauveur)
meet the artist at his laurentian residence and studio
laurentians summerlands
The Laurentians is where the artist for the last 60 years has developed a strong inspiration for landscapes. Meet the artist and discover his latest collections.
May 30, 2013 - June 02, 2013
11th annual garden exhibit at gordon harrison’s studio 2013
May 30, 2013 - June 02, 2013
11th annual garden exhibit at gordon harrison’s studio 2013
May 10, 2013 - June 30, 2013
a spring affair 2013
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery
495 sussex drive ottawa, ontario
meet the artists
She turned to the sunlight and shook her yellow head, and whispered to her neighbor: “Winter is dead.”
Come feel the energy of a new season and collection of works by artists peter colbert, cesan d’ornellas levine and darlene provost
November 01, 2024 - November 10, 2024
toronto. fall rhapsody two 2024 + two day art wellness retreats. leslie grove gallery. 1158 Queen Street East. Toronto Ontario.
this is a great opportunity to meet our clients and art collectors and present gordon harrison’s latest collection of fall paintings to you. David Thai. contemporary glass sculptor join us to showcase his beautiful glass vases. in addition gordon harrison is offering two-day art wellness painting retreats in the gallery – session one – november 2 and 3 and session two – november 9 and 10. $900 for each session – includes supplies and lunch. you will paint two paintings.
meet gordon harrison on friday saturday and sunday november 1. 2. 3. and 8. 9. 10. 2024. the exhibit ends on november 10. 2024.
the gallery is open to the public weekdays.
October 26, 2024 - November 15, 2024
ottawa. late bloomer. harrison. cusack. gréta. gordon harrison canadian landsacape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
Many many years ago, there was an artist who occupied a quainted little white studio on john street in the community of new edinburgh in ottawa in a development similar to melrose place. neighbours would walk by the gardens and studio and peak at the artist behind his easel. lessons were taking place and each spring the gardens were manicured to host the artist’s annual exhbit of his work in the gardens. one of these neighbours needed no intro – ctv news host leanne cusack. the artist and the tv host developed a beautiful relationship. over the years, leanne was coached by gordon and would spend her birthday painting at his studio in the laurentians. today leanne paints out of her studio in the gardens and landscapes of chelsea québec. we are so very proud to present a very special exhibit – it is about a special lady we met years ago in the gardens of gordon’s studio who remains in our lives – it is about special people we meet through our life journey – it is about sharing what we do well with others and impacting others. enjoy the exhibit.
meet gordon harrison, former ctv news broadcaster leanne cuscack and Laurentians ceramist gréta jonckheere on saturday and sunday October 24, 25, 26. 27. at the gallery.
the exhibit continues until november 15.
October 05, 2024 - October 20, 2024
ottawa. fall rhapsody one 2024. harrison. norrie. paterson. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
gordon harrison presents his new fall collection for 2024. we are also very pleased to welcome for the first time in our gallery as guest artist – canadian landscape landscape artist and potter – Shane Norrie from oxford county and montreal jewelry designer dawn paterson.
meet the artists on saturday and sunday – october 5. 6. 2024.
the exhibit continues until October 20.
September 05, 2024 - September 30, 2024
ottawa. charlevoix, you never disappoint exhibit. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
gordon harrison presents his new collection from his travels to charlevoix québec.
meet gordon Harrison
Thursday and Friday September 5 and 6
5 to 9 pm
the exhibit continues until September 30.
so beautiful with the st. lawrence river and dramatic mountain views that seem to drop into the st. lawrence captured in paintings from so many gifted artists. so artistic. so charlevoisin!
for gordon and i, it is the capital of canadian art. rené richard. marc-aurèle fortin. clarence gagnon. bruno coté. arthur lismer. ay jackson. edwin holgate. these gifted artists painted here and created history. and so did françoise labbé whose museum is named after her. so much history.
and gordon harrison who won first prize in 2014 at rêves d’automne in charlevoix is part of that history.
June 01, 2024 - June 02, 2024
ottawa. summertime gatherings 2024. harrison. laramée. home – studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario.
home-studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario. k1m 2a2.
(the gallery on sussex will be closed during the studio show).
this is an exhibit not to be missed. the walls of the artist home and studio provide a beautiful setting for gordon’s latest collections of canadian landscapes. nathalie laramée, fairy tale artist, joins us again for a second exhibit of the flowers from her gardens.
enjoy a glass of wine and fresh appetizers while touring the house-studio. from 1 to 3 pm, enjoy live music by guitarist dejan rafajlovic.
May 10, 2024 - May 24, 2024
london. folies du printemps 2024. the benz gallery. 1038 adelaide street north. london ontario.
this is a great opportunity to meet our clients and art collectors and present gordon harrison’s latest collection of paintings to you. Greg benz and richard sturgeon will also be part of this wonderful exhibit.
in addition gordon harrison is offering two-day art wellness painting retreats in the gallery on may 11. 12. 2024. $900 – includes supplies and lunch. you will paint two paintings.
meet gordon harrison. greg benz, richard sturgeon. on saturday and sunday may 10. 11. and 12. the exhibit continues until may 31.
May 04, 2024 - May 05, 2024
ottawa. folies du printemps 2024. harrison. laramée. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
a special celebration for the arrival of spring 2024.
gordon harrison and nathalie laramée prsent their new tulip collection – just in time for the arrival of spring!
both gordon and nathlie will be painting tulips live at the gallery on both days. come and see the creative process.
a one day painting coaching session is offered on sunday may 5 by gordon harrison at the gallery on sussex drive. 10 spaces available. 400 $ includes supplies and lunch. you will be painting tulips.
meet gordon harrison and nathalie laramée on saturday and sunday may 4. 5. at the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
December 02, 2023 - January 31, 2024
ottawa. winter friends 2023. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 2. 3.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new collection of winterscapes. Guest artists will include fairy tale aartist Nathalie Laramée from the laurentians québec who joins us for her first exhibit at the gallery and haute-coutture jewelry artist Dawn Paterson. Come celebrate the season with us and have a little rhum punch while enjoying live festive music.
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 23, 2023 - November 28, 2023
toronto. one of a kind winter show 2023. enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto.
meet gordon harrison during ther first five days only of the OOAK winter show and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 850 Canadian artisans. a beautiful show where one full day is not enough.
November 01, 2023 - November 12, 2023
toronto. solo exhibit and two day art wellness retreats. leslie grove gallery. 1158 Queen Street East. Toronto.
this is a great opportunity to meet our clients and art collectors and present gordon harrison’s latest collection of paintings to you. in addition gordon harrison is offering two-day art wellness painting retreats in the gallery – session one – november 4 and 5 and session two – november 11 and 12. $900 for each session – includes supplies and lunch. you will paint two paintings.
meet gordon harrison on saturday and sunday november 4. 5. 11. 12.
the gallery is open to the public weekdays.
October 21, 2023 - November 17, 2023
ottawa. fall rhapsody two. harrison. benz. sturgeon. paterson. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
this is an exhibit not to be missed. gordon and i are proud to welcome back contemporary landscape abstract artist greg benz and sculptor richard sturgeon from london ontario as well as haute-couture jewelry designer dawn paterson from montréal québec.
meet the artists on saturday and sunday – october 21. 22.
the exhibit continues until november 17.
September 23, 2023 - October 19, 2023
ottawa. fall rhapsody one. harrison. lorimer. imai. paterson. gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
this is an exhibit not to be missed. gordon and i are proud to welcome back contemporary landscape abstract artist Brian lorimer, inuit inspired sculptor patrick imai and haute-couture jewelry designer dawn paterson from montreal québec.
meet the artists on friday saturday and sunday – september 23. 24.
the exhibit continues until october 19.
June 17, 2023 - June 18, 2023
ottawa. summertime gatherings. harrison. paterson. home – studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario.
home-studio of gordon harrison. 67 rideau terrace . ottawa ontario. k1m 2a2.
(the gallery on sussex will be closed during the studio show).
this is an exhibit not to be missed. the walls of the artist home and studio provide a beautiful setting for gordon’s latest collections of canadian landscapes. dawn paterson, haute-couture jewelry artist, is back with us with her latest collection of one-of-a-kind silver jewelry.
enjoy a glass of wine and fresh appetizers while touring the house-studio. from 1 to 3 pm, enjoy live music by guitarist dejan rafajlovic.
April 13, 2023 - April 16, 2023
toronto. Artist Project Contemporary Fair 2023.
Better Living Centre – exhibition place – 100 princes boulevard – toronto
we are back toronto! gordon harrison will showcase his latest collections of canadian landscape paintings. See you there!
March 25, 2023 - April 21, 2023
ottawa. A new day has come 2023. harrison. taylor. mark.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday March 25. 26. exhibit continues until april 21.
A new day has come tells the story of the many Canadians who at some time almost doubted that a better would come but with persistence and belief over time a new day has come for them. In June 2022, I was priviliged to coach 20 artists from the Blue Mountain School of Landscape. It was a thrilling experience for me during the pandemic as it was rescheduled three times and it finally happened. I was inspired by the landscape of Thornbury and Clarksburgh as it reminded me that these moments are worth waiting for.
Kate Taylor, Contemporary abstract artist from Toronto, joins us as one of our two guest artists to present her new spring collection – as well we welcomee back Lena Mark with a new jewelry collection.
Come join us and celebrate a new day!
February 18, 2023 - March 17, 2023
ottawa. Come Fly Away and Le Printemps Exhibit. harrison. ebrahimi.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday February 18. 19. exhbits continues until march 20.
Add some excitment to your winter plans and come and see glimpses of spring in the latest collection of Gordon Harrison’s – le printemps – from gatineau. Contemporary abstract artist Myryam Ebrahim from Toronto joins us to present her new come fly away collection.
Add a touch of art to your winter days – it makes everything perfect!
December 03, 2022 - January 20, 2023
ottawa. winter friends 2022-23. harrison. al obaidi. van wynsberghe. benz. paterson. sturgeon. thai. goodman.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario.
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 3. 4. 10. 11.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new winter woods collection. The 8 guest artists include – Dania Al-Obaidi – encaustic contemporary artist from toronto – jocelyn van wynsberghe – canadian landscape artist from ottawa – greg benz – contemporary abstratct lansdscape artist from London – Dawn Paterson – haute-couture jewelery designer from Montréal – david thai contemporary glass artist from Oakville – Patrick Imai – inspired inuit stone sculptor from Ottawa.
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 04, 2022 - November 20, 2022
lake simcoe. symphony of birches exhibit 2022. cloud gallery.
cloud gallery. 23 Mississauga street west. Orillia.
meet gordon harrison and dawn paterson.
November 4. opening night. artist talk.
November 5 and 6. Gordon Harrison will be painting live.
Exhibit continues until November 17.
the exhibit continues until November 20.
October 21, 2022 - October 23, 2022
ottawa. fall exhibit 2022. harrison. benz. sturgeon. thai. paterson.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
this is an exhibit not to be missed. gordon and i are proud to welcome contemporary landscape abstract artist greg benz and sculptor richard sturgeon from london ontario as well as glass scul;ptor david thai from oakville ontario and haute-couture jewelry designer dawn paterson from montreal québec.
meet the artists on friday saturday and sunday – october 21. 22. 23.
the exhibit continues until november 30.
September 23, 2022 - September 25, 2022
ottawa. September Exhibit. september 2022.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery. 465 sussex drive. ottawa ontario. k1n 6z4.
Exhibit of Canadian landscapes by Gordon Harrison. Guest artists – Helen Utsal – landscape artist from the comox valley – british columbia presents the landscapes of western canada – and Lena Mark presents her new collection of custom jewelry to accessorize your fall wardrobe.
September 13, 2022 - September 18, 2022
collingwood. coaching and exhibit of harrison and his plein-air students. september 2022.
190 jozo weider boulevard. the blue mountains. collingwood ontario. l9y 0p7
solo exhibit of canadian landscape painting by gordon harrison. joining gordon will be the students who painted plein-air with him in june 2022 and showcasing one of their plein-air paintings.
paintings will be on display oas of tuesday september 13 until sunday september 18.
meet gordon harrison and his students on friday september 16 from 5 – 9 pm.
June 10, 2022 - June 12, 2022
solo exhibit in toronto at home of designer susan gurau
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
meet gordon harrison on and see his latest collections of canadian landscape paintings for sale. gordon will also be painting live and coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau. dawn patterson is back to exhibit a new collection of haute-couture silver jewelry.
register now for the one day coaching session on saturday june 11 and sunday june 11 2022. $500 for a one day or $900 for both days – includes supplies and lunch. contact the gallery to register.
April 26, 2022 - May 14, 2022
solo exhibition at the westland gallery in london ontario
westland gallery – 156 wortley road – london ontario – canada
friday – april 29 2022
opening night with gordon harrison
saturday and sunday – april 30 and may 1 2022
register for one or two days of coaching at the gallery in london ontario with gordon harrison .
April 21, 2022 - April 24, 2022
Toronto Artist Project Contemporary Fair 2022
Queen Elizabeth Building – exhibition place – 100 princes boulevard – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of canadian landscape paintings.
March 25, 2022 - March 27, 2022
Yes spring has sprung again!!!
gordon harrison canaidan landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa ontario
come celebrate spring with us. discover gordon harriosn’s new spring collection. also meet lema mark – fashion jewelry designer – who joins us again – and dioscover her new jewelry collection.
December 11, 2021 - December 12, 2021
madawaska in white 2021. 2022.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 11 and 12.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new madawaska in white collection of winterscapes. welcome to our guest artists – angela lane, canadian impressionist encaustic nature artist, and lena mark, jewelry fashion designer, joins us for her first exhibit at the gallery
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 25, 2021 - December 05, 2021
one of a kind winter show 2021
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 850 Canadian artisans. a beautiful show where one full day is not enough.
November 12, 2021 - November 21, 2021
automne inoubliable exhibit in lake Simcoe – orillia
cloud gallery. 23 Mississauga street west. Orillia.
meet gordon harrison.
November 12. opening night. artist talk.
November 13 and 14. register to paint with gordon Harrison. one day. 450$ includes coaching, supplies and lunch.
the exhibit continues until November 21.
October 22, 2021 - November 30, 2021
automne inoubliable exhibit with gordon harrison and jenny pearson-millar
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
Gordon harrison presents his new fall collection ‘automne inoubliable’. special guest artist jenny pearson-millar joins the gallery for her first solo exhibit the trees of life at the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
September 14, 2021 - September 19, 2021
Coaching and Fall Exhibit in Collingwood
brights gallery – 190 jozo weider boulevard – the blue mountains – collingwood ontario
gordon harrison is offering two -day coaching sessions at the brights gallery. contact the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery to register.
from tuesday september 14 to sunday september 19 gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings will be exhbited and for sale the brights gallery. drop by and say hello
September 10, 2021 - September 12, 2021
a fall affair with gordon harrison in toronto
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new fall collection 2021 will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live and coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on friday september 10 and sunday september 11 2021. $450 for a one day session – includes supplies and lunch. contact the gallery to register.
December 04, 2020 - December 13, 2020
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2020. 2021.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 5 6 12 and 13.
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his new winter friends collection of winterscapes. Guest artists Brian Lorimer his new collection cabin series and Dawn Paterson, her new haute-couture jewelery amadonte collection.
My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” ~ George R.R. Martin
November 26, 2020 - December 06, 2019
one of a wind winter show 2020
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 800 artisans. a beautiful show.
October 27, 2020 - November 14, 2020
Harrison Britton Philpott and Hillcock
Proud to be part of this exhibit at the Westland Gallery.
Westland Gallery – 156 Wortley Road – London Ontario – Canada
October 21, 2020 - November 30, 2020
fall rhapsody with gordon harrison 2020
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
Gordon harrison presents his new fall collection and new sculptures from Richard Sturgeon.
September 11, 2020 - September 14, 2020
a fall affair in toronto with gordon harrison and sara petroff
home of designer sara petroff – former owner of petroff gallery
11 beaver valley road – toronto ontario – canada
gordon harrison joins sara petroff and present their new collections. Dawn paterson – haute-couture jewelery artist – joins them also. see gordon harison on friday and saturday coaching participants in the beautiful backyards of this residence.
April 25, 2020 - April 26, 2020
a spring affair in ottawa in 2020
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex Drive – ottawa Ontario
virtual exhibit and online
Gordon Harrison presents his new collection Ballade du printemps.
The collection features new spring work from entrelacs, piedmont, sainte-marguerite-du-lac-masson, tremblant in the laurentians Québec as well as kamouraska Québec.
Shipping worldwide
February 20, 2020 - February 23, 2020
Toronto Artist Project – contemporary art fair 2020
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth 213
february 20 – 23
thursday (20) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (21) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (22) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (23) 11 am – 6 pm
December 07, 2019 - February 28, 2020
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2019. 2020.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his latest collection of winterscapes – neiges. Guest artists – ceramist andrea piller from prince edward county – sculptor richard sturgeon from london – glass artist david thai from oakville – and haute-couture jewelery designer dawn paterson from toronto jennifer verma also joins us for the release of her new book cod collapse
meet the artists on Saturday and Sunday December 7 and 8.
November 21, 2019 - December 01, 2019
one of a kind winter show 2019
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 800 artisans. a beautiful show.
November 02, 2019 - November 03, 2019
buongiorno italia 2019!
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa ontario
a 2-day only exhibit of paintings from tuscany from gordon harrison and 9 of the artists who joined him on his retreat to tuscany in june 2019
meet the artists on saturday and sunday november 2 and 3
elaine trudel – jane magee – norma lee – barbara hannehan – diane houde – sharon smith – tracey kucheravy – janet dollin – jocelyne Moreau
October 04, 2019 - October 06, 2019
fall rhapsody with Gordon Harrison in ottawa 2019
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
vip evening – Friday – October 4 starting at 6 pm
buy your tickets now – $130 per person – limited to 60. Leanne Cusack takes us through an enchanted fall evening at the gallery as we celebrate fall with live background music during a cocktail. the gallery is transformed into a beautiful white table cloth dining room where a four course dinner paired with vintage wines by Les Flavoureux awaits you after the cocktail.
September 20, 2019 - September 22, 2019
fall rhapsody with Gordon Harrison in London
Westland gallery – 156 Wortley road – London ontario.
meet gordon harrison on saturday and sunday September 20. 21. 22.
gordon harrison will be painting live at the gallery on Saturday and Sunday.
September 06, 2019 - September 09, 2019
solo exhibit of the landscapes of newfoundland – friendly winds from the sea
gordon harrison Canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa ontario
gordon harrison presents his new collection friendly winds from the sea from his trip to Newfoundland in June 2019. Gordon Harrison will be taking 22 participants to paint in Newfoundland in 2020.
June 07, 2019 - June 09, 2019
15th annual exhibit at Gordon Harrison’s studio in ottawa
studio of Canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, Ontario
15th annual exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in Ottawa. enjoy live music, wine and appetizers.
May 31, 2019 - June 02, 2019
a spring affair with Gordon Harrison in toronto
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new spring collection 2019 will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live an coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on may 31 or June 1. contact the gallery to register.
April 12, 2019 - May 31, 2019
a spring affair in ottawa 2019
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex Drive – ottawa, Ontario
meet gordon harrison as well as guest artists Patricia gray, cathy Lefvert and Charlotte Williams on Friday april 12 Saturday April 13 and Sunday April 14 at the gallery.
featuring new collections by award winning canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – Guest artists – contemporary artists cathy Lefvert, Patricia gray and Charlotte Williams.
come experience spring all over again!
February 21, 2019 - February 24, 2019
Toronto Artist Contemporary Art Fair 2019
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth 237
february 21 – 24
thursday (21) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (22) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (23) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (24) 11 am – 6 pm
December 08, 2018 - February 28, 2019
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver. 2018. 2019.
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 sussex drive – ottawa
Gordon Harrison will exhibit his latest collection of winterscapes – paysages d’hiver. Guest artists from Québec include – Michel Leroux, landscape artist from Boucherville, Québec and Martha Markowski, cityscape artist from Lachine. Also rediscover beautiful haute-couture silver jewelry by dawn paterson from toronto and ceramics by Andrea Piller from Prince Edward County.
November 22, 2018 - December 02, 2018
one of a kind christmas show 2018 – toronto
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live. you will also discover over 800 artisans. a beautiful show.
October 12, 2018 - October 14, 2018
fall rhapsody 2018
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 465 Sussex drive – ottawa, ontario
vip evening – Friday – October 12 starting at 6 pm
buy your tickets now – $130 per person – limited to 60. Leanne Cusack takes us through an enchanted fall evening at the gallery as we celebrate the official opening of our new gallery. enjoy cocktails and appetizers with live background music by Kelly Tang, cellist and Patrick Kline, violinist. the gallery is transformed into a beautiful white table cloth dining room where a four course dinner paired with vintage wines by Les Flavoureux awaits you.
September 22, 2018 - September 23, 2018
a fall affair in collingwood 2018
brights gallery – 190 bozo mountains – collingwood – ontario – l9y 0p7
meet gordon harrison on saturday and sunday September 22 and 23 from 10 am to 6 pm
gordon harrison will be painting live at the gallery.
September 07, 2018 - September 09, 2018
solo exhibit of the landscape of tuscany in italy by gordon harrison
that’s amore – a unique exhibit of the tuscany landscape by award winning canadian landscape artist of gordon harrison.
meet gordon harrison on Friday to Sunday, September 7, 8 and 9 at the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
gordon harrison presents a unique collection from his travels to tuscany in april 2018. Tuscany – the capital of italian renaissance known for its landscapes, artistic legacy and wines and home to many figures influential in the history of art and science and museums.
register now for art retreat with Canadian landscape artist gordon harrison in tuscany in may 2019.
August 04, 2018 - August 05, 2018
symposium des arts du domaine saint-bernard
meet over 30 artists and sculptors as part of the 12th annual symposium and see many of the artists at work.
539 saint-bernard road – tremblant – québec – canada
June 15, 2018 - June 17, 2018
solo exhibit of gordon harrison at home of designer susan gurau in toronto
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new collections will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live an coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on june 15, 16 or. contact the gallery to register.
June 02, 2018 - June 10, 2018
14th annual studio show at gordon harrison’s studio in ottawa
studio of Canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, Ontario
14th annual exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in Ottawa. enjoy live music, wine and appetizers.
April 14, 2018 - May 31, 2018
a spring affair in ottawa 2018
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – ottawa, Ontario
meet gordon harrison, margarethe vanderpas and peter barrelkowski on april 14 and 15 at the gallery.
featuring new collections by award winning canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – Guest artists – contemporary artist margarethe vanderpas from the bruce peninsula who is inspired by the waters and limestone cliffs of the Bruce Peninsula and the shorelines of Lake Superior and Georgian Bay. peter barelkowski from toronto showcases human conditions like isolation and alienation creating a paradox between his joyful colours and darker subject matter as a form of subtle escapism, the figures in his paintings are depicted in a one dimensional, cartoonish style – with almost grotesque undertones.
come experience spring all over again!
March 10, 2018 - March 11, 2018
group painting coaching and exhibit of new works at designer susan mcmullen in newmarket
first exhibit of new canadian landscape paintings by gordon harrison at designer susan mcmullen in newmarket. a two day event only.
during the exhibit gordon harrison will be offering one day painting coaching days for groups of 12. to register, please contact the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery.
February 22, 2018 - February 25, 2018
Toronto Artist Project Contemporary Art Fair 2018
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth – TBC
february 22 – 25
thursday (22) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (23) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (24) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (25) 11 am – 6 pm
for discounted tickets click here and enter code TBC
December 08, 2017 - February 28, 2018
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2017-18
gordon Harrison Canadian landscape gallery – 262 Coltrin Road – Rockcliffe Park – Ontario
This is a very unique and beautiful exhibit. It takes place in a fully renovated stunning house in Rockcliffe Park. Gordon Harrison will exhibit his latest collection of winterscapes throughout the house along with invited guest artists – Martha Markowsky and Pauline Paquin. Dawn Paterson from Victoria is back with her collection of haute-couture silver jewelry. We also welcome for the first time Potter Andrea Piller from Prince Edward County.
Enjoy a beautiful house decor, live music on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 3 pm with mulled wine and Christmas desserts.
We ask that you bring along a small ornament to help us decorate two Christmas trees that will be donated along with $50 for each sold painting to two families in need identified by CHEO foundation.
Special thanks to Michael Valiquette and the owners.
November 23, 2017 - December 03, 2017
one of a kind Christmas show in Toronto 2017
enercare centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison in booth w12 and discover his new collection of winterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live.
October 13, 2017 - November 30, 2017
fall rhapsody 2017
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – ottawa, ontario
vip evening – Friday – October 13 starting at 6 pm
buy your tickets now – $130 per person – limited to 50. Leanne Cusack takes us through an enchanted fall evening at the gallery while you enjoy vintage wines by sommelier Presseau, wine pairing dinner by Steven Becka from Play – the gallery tranforms itself into a beautiful white table cloth dining room all under the voice and music of Ottawa singer songwriter anne lewis.
be the first to see the new fall collections by award winning Canadian landscape artist gordon harrison and contemporary landscape artist dan ryan.
September 08, 2017 - September 17, 2017
lumières de Provence – france 2017
studio of Canadian landscape artist of gordon harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, ontario
gordon harrison presents his new collection Lumières de Provence from his travels to provence in may 2017. provence – one of the most beautiful and painted region of France by the great masters – Cézanne, Van Goh, Matisse, Gaugin et Picasso. discover how gordon harrison captures on canvas with his unique style the landscape of the regions of France while enjoying wines from the vineyard château-neuf-du-pape from the Rhône region of the south of france.
register now for art retreats with Canadian landscape artist gordon harrison in provence in may 2018 and Tuscany in may 2019.
June 02, 2017 - June 04, 2017
garden exhibit of gordon Harrison paintings at his studio
studio of Canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa, Ontario
13th annual garden exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in Ottawa. enjoy live music, wine and appetizers.
May 26, 2017 - May 28, 2017
a spring affair with gordon harrison in toronto 2017
home of Toronto designer susan Gurau – 180 hillhurst boulevard – forest hill, toronto
gordon harrison’s canadian landscape paintings from his new spring collection 2017 will be available for sale. gordon will also be painting live an coaching participants in the gardens and home of toronto designer susan gurau.
register now for the one day coaching session on may 26 or may 28. contact the gallery to register.
April 28, 2017 - April 30, 2017
a spring affair in ottawa 2017
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – ottawa, Ontario
featuring a new collection by award winning canadian landscape artist gordon Harrison – poèmes en paysages – a collection of landscapes from lac-des-îles where gordon grew up as child inspired by the laurentian forests and the many islands of the lake – a place that continues to inspire him. Guest artists include – contemporary abstract landscape artist mike smith and contemporary sculptors richard sturgeon and patrick imai. come experience spring all over again!
April 08, 2017 - April 09, 2017
Gordon harrison and his apprentices 2017
Manotick art gallery and framing – 5517 Main Street – Manotick – ontario
The Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery is proud to partner with Manotick Art Gallery and Framing. Meet gordon harrison and 20 of his apprentices during the official opening of the gallery space.
February 23, 2017 - February 26, 2017
Toronto Artist Project Contemporary Art Fair 2017
better living centre exhibition place 195 princes’ blvd, toronto
meet gordon harrison booth 631
february 23 – 26
thursday (23) 5 pm – 10 pm friday (24) 11 am – 10 pm saturday (25) 11 am – 8 pm sunday (26) 11 am – 6 pm
for discounted tickets click here and enter code TAP10YRS
December 09, 2016 - February 26, 2017
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2016-17
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
There is something magical about the arrival of winter – the first snow flakes bring out that little child inside all of us as the trees quickly put on their magical winter coats.
Gordon harrison presents his new collection of les manteaux blancs de l’hiver. Guests artists – Brian Lorimer who painted massive murals throughout Canada and the United States who finds strong inspiration near his studio on mississagagon lake near bon echo provincial park and prince edward island where he spends his summers – and Dan Ryan from Toronto back at the gallery for his 5th exhibition showing his wither collection of abstract canadian landscapes. Dawn Paterson from Vancouver Island is back showcasing her latest collection of haute-couture jewelry and Joan Young from Cantley Québec joins us for the first time to exhibit her collection of textile wearable art – perfect Christmas gifts.
November 24, 2016 - December 04, 2016
one of a kind christmas show 2016
direct energy centre – exhibition place – toronto
meet gordon harrison and discover his new collection of waterscapes. Gordon harrison will be painting live at the booth l-35.
November 01, 2016 - November 23, 2016
solo exhibit at the petroff gallery 2016
petroff gallery – 1016 eglington avenue west – toronto
October 06, 2016 - October 09, 2016
fall rhapsody 2016
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
vip annual event with canadian landscape artist gordon
thursday, october 6 – vip launch of fall rhapsody exhibit
tickets $130 per person – vip many of food and imported wines at les fougères – limited to 55 tickets. come discover our new fall collection and the new look at les fougères
friday – saturday – sunday – october 7, 8 and 9
view gordon harrison’s new fall collection. guest artist dan ryan is back at the gallery with his fall collection.
on friday, meet serge presseau, sommelier, who will have vintage wines for you to flavour with our new fall collection.
September 29, 2016 - October 31, 2016
Open Books – 13 international artists including gordon harrison explore chinese folding art books
opening night with artists and public on wednesday september 28 2016 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
national archives and library of canada – 395 wellington street – ottawa
exhibition continues until november 30 2016
Gordon was asked by maureen mcteer and artist mary husted to participate in this international initiative. Gordon painted canadian landscapes – from coast to coast – in a chinese folding art book that will be on display at the national archives and library of canada and part of of a broader international exhibit.
“The Open Books project started in Wales with artist and curator Mary Husted, and has travelled artistically from there to England, Australia, Hong Kong and China, adding new artists in each place, and enlarging the artistic conversation and interpretation each of them brings. As the exhibition moves to Canada this September, thirteen of our own artists will each contribute their individual artistic talent and interpretations to this blossoming international dialogue about the Chinese folding book.
Gordon Harrison’s interpretation will carry on his tradition of using oil paints to render the endless and breathtaking Canadian landscape. From east to west and on to the north, Gordon interprets what he sees in an ever changing seasonal environment of land, trees, water, mountain and sky. Awards and tributes have not dulled his sense of wonder and respect for the grandeur of these marvels across the country; nor has his success as a respected and celebrated artist, here and abroad, altered his infectious enthusiasm for his work and his chosen subjects. We are all delighted that Gordon made the time to be part of this major international initiative. His presence gives the exhibition prestige and prominence. Thank you, Gordon. ”
Maureen McTeer
Lawyer, author, friend and art collector
September 24, 2016 - September 25, 2016
Rêves d’automne 2016 – Festival of painting
baie-saint-paul – charlevoix – quebec
Gordon Harrison invited as one of the 20 Canadian artists to partake in Rue à peindre where the 20 artists paint live and the paintings are part of a silent and live auction. In 2014, Gordon Harrison won first prize at National painting contest in Baie-Saint-Paul.
September 17, 2016 - September 18, 2016
new edinburgh artist studio tour 2016
studio of gordon harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa – ontario
for the very first time in the new edinburgh community in ottawa, 17 artists from this community open the doors of their studio to showcase their talent proudly displaying their work – many painting live.
for more details and map of all artist studios – www.nestudiotour.com
September 09, 2016 - September 11, 2016
les secrets du fjord-du-saguenay du québec
Studio of gordon harrison – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa – ontario
each year gordon harrison travels to a new destination of canada. in june 2016, gordon travelled to the sauguenay fjord national park. gordon shares a new collection depicting the secrets of this beautiful area of québec – how nature used its colossal strength to created its majestic fjord.
June 03, 2016 - June 05, 2016
13th annual garden exhibit at gordon harrison’s studio
gordon harrison’s studio – 67 rideau terrace – ottawa
enjoy a glass of wine, appetizers and new collections of canadian landscapes at the artist’s studio and residence in new edinburgh in ottawa. the exhibit is part of doors open 2016.
May 20, 2016 - May 22, 2016
a spring affair in toronto 2016
home of designer susan gurau
180 hillhurst boulevard – toronto
gordon harrison presents his new spring collection in the home of designer – art consultant susan gurau in forest hill. gordon harrison will also be painting live in the gardens. meet gordon harrison and phil émond.
May 06, 2016 - May 08, 2016
a spring affair in ottawa 2016
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 495 sussex drive – ottawa
meet gordon harrison, sharon barr and dan ryan from toronto.
April 14, 2016 - April 17, 2016
Art expo New York 2016
pier 94 – new york, new york
Since 1978, International Artexpo is the world’s largest juried fine art trade show. It is the only fine art trade show offering industry professionals access to thousands of wholesale works from international artists and publishers under one roof.
February 18, 2016 - February 21, 2016
toronto artist project – international contemporary art fair 2016
better living centre – exhibition place – toronto
Meet Gordon Harrison at both 617 and see him painting live at the show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One of Canada’s most prestigious art symposiums showcasing the talent of over 250 contemporary artists from Canada and abroad.
December 11, 2015 - December 13, 2015
Les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2015-16
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Gordon Harrison presents his new winter collection of “the white coats of winter”. Two new Canadian landscape artists will be joining us – Canadian landscape artist Dan Ryan from Toronto as well as Québec artist Pauline Paquin from the Laurentians. Also joining us – Dawn paterson, haute-couture jeweler – an exhibit where one will find the perfect holiday gifts. Gift certificates also available.
November 26, 2015 - December 06, 2015
One of a Kind Toronto Christmas Show 2015
Direct Energy Building – Toronto Exhibition Place
Gordon harrison will be present painting live during this 11 day show.
November 01, 2015 - November 25, 2015
Solo Exhibit at the Petroff Gallery in Toronto
Petroff Gallery – 1016 Eglington West – Toronto
Meet Gordon Harrison on November 5, 6, 7 and 8. Gordon paints live on November 6, 7 and 8. Exhibit continues to November 25.
October 01, 2015 - October 31, 2015
Fall Rhapsody – Rhapsodie des couleurs 2015
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive Ottawa, ON
Canadian landscape artist Gordon Harrison presents his new fall collection- Rhapsodie des couleurs from St-Donat, Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci et La Tuque in the Laurentians. René Tardif is back and presents a new collection with large colourful skies. Impressionist-cubist artist Robert Leclerc joins us for the very first time.
September 25, 2015 - September 28, 2015
Rêves d’automne 2015 – Festival of painting
Gordon Harrison invited as one of the 20 Canadian artists to partake in Rue à peindre. In 2014, Gordon Harrison won first prize at National painting contest in Baie-Saint-Paul.
September 11, 2015 - September 13, 2015
seaside poetry from atlantic canada
Studio of Canadian Landscape Artist Gordon Harrison – 67 Rideau Terrace – Ottawa, ON
In June 2015, I went back to Atlantic Canada to hear and feel the poetry offered by its sea, fishing dories, harbours and unique landscapes. I was back revisiting this beautiful region of Canada years later, the towns many have changed a bit but the sea still tells the same story – that of tranquility, beauty and endless horizon. How I missed it.
July 31, 2015 - August 23, 2015
Lac-Tremblant Nord – Today and Yesterday – 100 years later
municipality of tremblant – 1147 saint-jovite – tremblant
gordon harrison canadian landscape galleries in ottawa and saint-sauveur
The town of lac-tremblant-nord invited gordon harrison and other artists who paint the laurentians to celebrate the 100th anniversary of a town where maurice cullen, mentor of the Group of Seven, and Edwin Holgate who joined the Group of Seven held residences in the ealy 1900’s and painted tremblant-nord.
In March 2015, gordon joined artists michel normandeau, helmut lagender, juan cristobal and other québec artists in a plein-air painting experience on lac-tremblant-nord. A beautiful moment to remember.
July 01, 2015 - October 11, 2015
Open doors – Gordon Harrison’s studio in the Laurentians
Studio of Gordon Harrison – 90, chemin du lac-violon – sainte-marguerite-du-lac-masson, laurentians – 450-228-2539
Drop by the artist’s studio and see the artist at work preparing his latest collection of oil paintings. Enjoy a glass of wine, a chat and visit his studio and bed and breakfast – a location that has provided inspiration to Gordon Harrison for more than 60 years. Studio open 7 days a week 7 am to 8 pm.
June 05, 2015 - June 07, 2015
Annual Garden Exhibit 2015
Studio of Canadian Landscape Artist Gordon Harrison – 67 Rideau Terrace – Ottawa
Not to be missed – the 12th annual garden exhibit part of Doors Open Ottawa 2015. Gordon, Phil and Doors Open Ottawa volunteers welcome you at Gordon’s studio where the artist creates his new collections of canadian landscapes and coaches people. Come and discover new collections of Canadian landscapes while enjoying a glass of wine with live classical music from our cellist and violist. Can life get any better?
May 01, 2015 - June 30, 2015
A Spring Affair 2015
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
There is no better feeling that experiencing this change in season – spring! Come discover Gordon Harrison’s latest collection and delightful new artists and new works by Bev Jenkins and discover her sculpted oil landscapes – sacha with the alleys of montréal that take you right into them – lise butters with her spring florals – and angela verlaeckt clark who gives new voices to two new 2 million years old stones – sculptures
March 25, 2015 - March 29, 2015
One of a Kind Spring Show 2015
Direct energy Centre – Toronto Exhibition Place
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Gordon Harrison and see him paint live.
March 10, 2015 - March 20, 2015
3rd Annual Gordon Harrison Apprentices Show
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Meet the apprentices on Friday March 10 to Sunday March 12
Over the years Gordon Harrison has coached 100’s of people in our community. This exhibit showcases the talent of the apprentices coached by Gordon over the last year. Come and see their work. All work $350 to $700 framed.
February 19, 2015 - February 22, 2015
8th Annual Toronto Artist Project – Contemporary Art Fair 2015
Booth 629 – Better Living Centre – Toronto Exhibition Place
Meet Gordon Harrison and Phil Emond at the Fair. Joining us will be our sculptor ANgela Verlaeckt Clark.
January 31, 2015 - February 08, 2015
Art Auction – Gordon Harrison Art Inspiration Journey – The Creative Canadian Souls
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Come support our young artists ages 9 to 12 years from Ottawa Montessori school. 21 students and 3 teachers participated in the 4th art inspiration journey and lived life as an artist through coaching by Canadian landscape artist Gordon Harrison. Minimum bids $50. Maximum bid $100 with first right of refusal to the family. A bid on a painting inspires our young ones and makes them feel as a true artist. Bid by phone and by email. All paintings and current bids online under the tab artist – apprentices of Gordon Harrison.
Join us on February 8 from noon to 3 pm and meet our young artists who take on the role as gallerists and auctioneers and announce the winners at 3 pm.
December 12, 2014 - February 28, 2015
les manteaux blancs de l’hiver 2015
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
Meet the artists on December 13 to 15. Gordon Harrison presents his new collection of winterscapes. Reknowned Quebec artists Sacha who paints the alleys of Montreal and Louis Tremblay known for his Charlevoix masterpieces join us. Sculptures by Angela Verlaeckt Clark and design silver jewelery by Dawn Paterson. Enjoy background live jazz music by Ken Seeley Jazz Duo and mulled wine, hot apple cider and festive treats. Artists will be painting live at the gallery on Sunday, December 14.
November 27, 2014 - December 07, 2014
one of a kind christmas show – toronto
Toronto Exhibition Place – 200 Princes’ Boulvevard – Toronto
Meet Canadian landscape artist Gordon Harrison and see him painting live during the exhibit. Please contact the gallery for complimentary tickets.
November 06, 2014 - December 31, 2014
The Colours of Canada in Toronto
Petroff Gallery – 1016 Eglinton Avenue West – Toronto
Artist talk on Thursday, November 6 at 6:30 pm as Gordon introduces his new collecti0n of paintings. Meet Gordon Harrison and see him painting live at the Petroff Gallery on November 7, 8 and 9.
October 09, 2014 - November 30, 2014
fall rhapsody 2014
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery 495 Sussex Drive Ottawa 613.746.6853
Official launch on Thursday, October 2 at Les Fougères Restaurant in Old Chelsea with a sommelier and singer. Tickers are $100 per person plus taxes and gratuities.
Feel the magical colours of our fall season and enjoy a new collection by Gordon Harrison of Canadian landscape paintings from Les Collines de l’Outaouais, Gatineau Park and the Laurentians. We are also proud to feature a new collection by abstract landscape artist Peter Colbert and for the very first time, expressionist landscape artist, Sheila Davis from Lake Simcoe, Ontario. Angela Verlaeckt Clark, our sculptor, joins us as well and unveils two new sculptures.
September 26, 2014 - September 28, 2014
24th Edition of Symposium Rêves d’Automne – Official Opening of the Festival of Painting – A Street to Paint
Festival of Painting allows you to discover greatly talented artists whose reputation goes beyond Québec’s borders. The quality of the artists who participate in this unique event in Charlevoix is one of the reasons of its remarkable success. Gordon Harrison is one of the 20 great Canadian artists juried to partake in the official opening of one the most Rêves d’automne, The 20 artists will paint a street in Baie-Saint-Paul. Gordon Harrison est l’un des 20 grands maîtres de la peinture à être invités pour l’ouverture officielle du symposium, l’un des plus importants symposiums d’art Canadien.
Rêves d’automne Place
4 Ambroise-Fafard Street
Baie-Saint-Paul, Charlevoix, Québec
September 19, 2014 - October 31, 2014
shapphire lakes and jack pine ridges of killarney
Gordon Harrison’s studio – 67 Rideau Terrace – off Springfield in New Edinburgh, Ottawa
Gordon Harrison presents his new collection from his summer trip to Northern Ontario – Killarney and Georgian Bay.
September 05, 2014 - September 07, 2014
2014 TRACES Symposium
1521, route 309 Nord
L’Ange-Gardien, Outaouais, Québec
(30 minutes from Ottawa)
Gordon Harrison is invited as Honourary President for this symposium in the Outaoauis region where 30 professional artists and sculptors create works in the natural landscape environment of the forests of L’Ange-Gardien. Come and browse through the natural trails and discover their work available for sale – some of which created collectively by the participating artists.
June 30, 2014 - September 14, 2014
Clins d’œil d’été
Artist Residence and Studio – Pine Point Lake House – 90, chemin du lac-violon – Sainte-Marguerite-du-lac-Masson, QC
Visit the artist while in his residence and studio for the summer. Drop in and discover the latest collections the artist is working on at his Laurentians studio.
Paintings also on display in the Laurentians at
– Restaurant A L’Express Gourmand – Sainte-Adèle, QC
– La Chaumière du Village – Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC
June 06, 2014 - June 08, 2014
12th Annual Garden Exhibit at Gordon Harrison’s Studio
Gordon Harrison’s Studio – 67 Rideau Terrace – Ottawa
Annual garden exhibit of canadian landscape paintings in the new studio and gardens surrounding the artist’s studio in ottawa. part of doors open ottawa 2014.
The New Edinburgh Studio is where Gordon Harrison spends endless hours putting his passion on canvas. The studio is located in the New Edinburgh community in Ottawa where the artist lives.
The Annual Garden Exhibit is a very special and unique happening in the community. It takes place on the first weekend in June each year. The event is much enjoyed by art collectors, our clients, the public and the artist. Gordon Harrison’s Canadian landscapes find a new home for a few days in the gardens surrounding the artist’s studio as one follows the artist’s recent travels through his art and enjoys a glass of wine, appetizers and live music from local talented musicians. The event is so popular and so well enjoyed that the City of Ottawa has added the exhibit and tour of the artist studio on the Doors Open Ontario, a beautiful tribute to Gordon Harrison’s work.
The Gordon Harrison Gallery is proud of its association and support to talented local musicians in our community who every year perform at this event.
April 10, 2014 - April 13, 2014
Toronto Art Expo 2014
Metro Toronto Convention Centre – 255 Front Street West – Toronto
Opening Night – Thursday, April 10 from 6 to 10 pm – contact the gallery for complementary tickets for opening night
April 04, 2014 - June 01, 2014
a spring affair 2014
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
“If people did not love one another, I really don’t see what use there would be in having any spring.” Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
Michel Pleau, Sacha Barette and Gordon Harrison. Featuring the alleys of Montreal by contemporary Quebec artist Sacha Barrette and Quebec landcapes by Michel Pleau and Gordon Harrison.
Meet the artists at the gallery on April 4 – 6 2014
February 14, 2014 - March 30, 2014
Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape gallery – 495 Sussex Drive – Ottawa
“My grandmother always used to say, summer friends will melt away liek summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” Author George R R Martin
An exhibit of winter magical paintings of villages of Quebec and Charlebois en Blanc collections from the Laurentians by Gordon Harrison; winter landscapes of the alleys of Montreal, National Capital and Charlevois by Martha Markowsky; and whimsical winterlude and National Capital scenes from Bhat Boy.
December 06, 2013 - December 08, 2013
meet the artists : les manteaux blancs de l’hiver
exhibit continues to march 1 2014
gordon harrison gallery
495 sussex drive
ottawa, ontario
an exhibition of winterscapes from the gatineau park, the laurentians and charlevoix region by Gordon Harrison and Quebec’s plein air artist, René Tardif. Also featuring haute couture jewellery by dulce.
November 28, 2013 - December 02, 2013
One of a Kind Christmas Show – Toronto
Toronto Exhibition Place
100 Princes Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario
November 02, 2013 - December 16, 2013
fall colours at the petroff gallery in toronto
Petroff Gallery
1016 Eglington Avenue West
See the new colours of Canada in Gordon Harrison’s new collections – magie de l’automne from the Laurentians and Rouge enchante from the Gatineau Park. Artist talk on Thursday November 14 at 6:30 pm. Gordon will be painting live at Petroff Friday to Sunday, November 15 to 17. 2014 calendars and books available.
October 17, 2013 - November 30, 2013
fall rhapsody – exhibit of canadian landscape paintings
exhibit continues to November 30
Gordon Harrison Gallery
495 Sussex Drive
fall rhapsody 2013 and official opening of gordon harrison’s new studio in ottawa
official launch on Thursday, October 17 at les fougeres restaurant in old Chelsea with sommelier martin charlebois and singer. tickers are $100 per person.
official opening of the artist’s new studio in new Edinburgh. feel the magical colours of our fall season and enjoy a new collection by gordon harrison of Canadian landscape paintings from charlevoix, gatineau park and the laurentians.
October 05, 2013 - October 06, 2013
Reves d’automne : Festival de peinture 2013
Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec
Gordon Harrison paints Charlevoix on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Street as part of Rêves d’automne, Festival of Painting, a continuation of artistic tradition over time. In the heart of Baie-Saint-Paul, come celebrate the sheer beauty of the Charlevoix landscapes that have always inspired the most talented artists. We offer a rich program. Don’t wait to discover all the activities!
July 01, 2013 - September 15, 2013
artist studio in the laurentians
90, chemin du lac-violon,
ste-marguerite-du-lac-masson, quebec
(25 minutes north east of saint-sauveur)
meet the artist at his laurentian residence and studio
laurentians summerlands
The Laurentians is where the artist for the last 60 years has developed a strong inspiration for landscapes. Meet the artist and discover his latest collections.
May 30, 2013 - June 02, 2013
11th annual garden exhibit at gordon harrison’s studio 2013
May 30, 2013 - June 02, 2013
11th annual garden exhibit at gordon harrison’s studio 2013
May 10, 2013 - June 30, 2013
a spring affair 2013
gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery
495 sussex drive ottawa, ontario
meet the artists
She turned to the sunlight and shook her yellow head, and whispered to her neighbor: “Winter is dead.”
Come feel the energy of a new season and collection of works by artists peter colbert, cesan d’ornellas levine and darlene provost