Gordon Harrison – sca aibaq
peintre-paysagiste canadien primé, sca - aibaq
« Les paysages canadiens inspirent passionnément le travail et la vie de Gordon Harrison. Ces scènes représentent pour lui un terrain de jeu enchanteur, là où il est à l’écoute de son cœur, là où tous ses sens sont en éveil. À force de persévérance, il est devenu l’un des plus grands peintres paysagistes au Canada. Cette aisance naturelle lui vient d’un don du ciel qu’il cultive depuis fort longtemps. En plongeant dans l’univers fascinant des couleurs où les huiles tourbillonnent sur la toile pour façonner un paysage, Gordon renoue avec son passé. L’artiste sans voix d’hier s’exprime aujourd’hui, sans réserve, et les amateurs d’art ne demandent pas mieux » —Joel Haslam, CTV News.
Gordon Harrison est membre de la Société des artistes canadiens (sca) et de l’Académie des beaux-arts du Québec (aibaq). Principalement autodidacte, il s’inscrit toutefois à l’école des beaux-arts d’Ottawa, une étape au cours de laquelle il est inspiré d’emblée par Jean-René Richard (1895-1982), l’un des artistes québécois les plus avant-gardistes de son époque. Au cours de ses nombreux voyages d’est en ouest, il constituera ainsi une imposante collection de paysages canadiens. L’artiste se fait toujours un plaisir de peindre, sur commande, les scènes favorites de sa clientèle.
en 2018, le grand peintre a remporté le prestigieux prix au symposium des arts du Domaine St-Bernard à Tremblant, Québec. en 2016, il remporte le prix international du meilleur artiste solo au new york art expo. en 2014, il remporte le premier prix dans le cadre du concours national rêves d’automne à baie saint-paul (québec).en 2010, il est invité à titre de conférencier au musée des beaux-arts du canada.
Gordon travaille depuis son atelier de New Edinburgh (Ottawa) et celui des laurentides.
Gordon Harrison est né à Montréal et, dès son jeune âge, il s’intéresse à l’art. L’intérêt singulier qu’il développe à l’égard de la nature brute le porte spontanément à entreprendre des études en architecture du paysage à l’Université de Toronto.
« Gordon Harrison a plusieurs cordes à son arc et elles ont toutes contribué à faire de lui l’un des peintres paysagistes canadiens les plus en vue du moment. La peinture d’Harrison est audacieuse et éclatante. Difficile de croire qu’il est largement autodidacte vu ses incomparables habiletés de coloriste et son sens aigu du dessin. Harrison est un amoureux de la couleur, il semble avoir créé son propre vocabulaire chromatique pour décrire le paysage canadien. Certains aspects de son œuvre peuvent rappeler le Groupe des Sept, mais il est difficile de les identifier spécifiquement. Peut-être s’agit-il de l’élan d’émotions suscité par ses œuvres d’art exceptionnelles ou de leur complexité graphique. » Noel Meyer, Magazin’art.
Son œuvre exprime à la fois force et légèreté. Ses paysages figuratifs, à la limite de l’abstraction, présentent une vision contemporaine de ce que les toiles du Groupe des Sept auraient pu illustrer aujourd’hui. Voilà pourquoi les collectionneurs d’art en redemandent.
Le peintre voyageur tire toute son inspiration des somptueux paysages qu’il découvre au cours de ses odyssées canadiennes. De tous ces périples, émergera une inspiration qu’il recrée ensuite sur la toile, selon sa propre vision.
« On l’a surnommé le 8e membre du Groupe des sept. Gordon Harrison a vraiment planché pour éviter le cliché de l’artiste luttant toute sa vie contre la pauvreté et l’anonymat, uniquement pour voir son talent reconnu à titre posthume, alors que cela ne l’aurait pas servi. Il continue plutôt de perfectionner son art, sans relâche, et de démontrer qu’il a tout le potentiel nécessaire pour devenir l’un des plus grands artistes peintres canadiens. Il est d’ailleurs bien déterminé à atteindre ce but. »
—Mark Anderson, Ottawa Citizen
« Savoir que mon art fait partie intégrante de la culture et de l’héritage canadiens, que mes toiles sont collectionnées à l’échelle mondiale, que mes séances de coaching inspirent tant de gens, d’artistes et d’étudiants, que mon œuvre habille mes ateliers et ma propre galerie, que je peux toujours compter sur l’appui de mon partenaire, Phil, dans ce choix de vie, me donne un grand sentiment d’accomplissement comme artiste canadien. Je vous remercie de faire partie de cette grande aventure. »
canadian landscape oil paintings available by award winning canadian landscape artist gordon harrison
if interested in one of the paintings from a collection below and the painting is not the size or format you need, gordon harrison will be happy to do a commission piece for you. it takes two weeks to have your painting painted and another 4 weeks to dry. commission work is priced the same.
Winterwoods collection
lac-des-îles. entrelacs. Laurentians. québec. canada.

Winterwoods collection 21
lac-des-îles. entrelacs. Laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 96w in. unframed 54h 102w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 98w in. with 1 in. floater frame
10 500 $ framed or 875 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
Winterwoods collection 21
lac-des-îles. entrelacs. Laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 96w in. unframed 54h 102w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 98w in. with 1 in. floater frame
10 500 $ framed or 875 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

winterwoods collection 23
18h 18w in. unframed 24h 24w in. with 3 in. floater frame 20h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 500 $ framed plus hst
winterwoods collection 23
18h 18w in. unframed 24h 24w in. with 3 in. floater frame 20h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 500 $ framed plus hst

winterwoods collection 22
20h 60w in. unframed 26h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 22h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 400 $ framed or 365 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
winterwoods collection 22
20h 60w in. unframed 26h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 22h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 400 $ framed or 365 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lac coeur collection
st. hyppolyte. laurentians. québec. canada.

a walk around lac coeur collection 1
st. hyppolyte. laurentians. québec. canada.
24h 24w in. unframed 30h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 26h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
2 500 $ framed or 210 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a walk around lac coeur collection 1
st. hyppolyte. laurentians. québec. canada.
24h 24w in. unframed 30h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 26h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
2 500 $ framed or 210 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

a walk around lac coeur collection 3
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ or 290 $ per month for 6 months plus hst
a walk around lac coeur collection 3
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ or 290 $ per month for 6 months plus hst
a walk in Gatineau park collection
Gatineau park. québec. canada.

a walk in gatineau park collection 24
Gatineau park. québec. canada.
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a walk in gatineau park collection 24
Gatineau park. québec. canada.
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a walk in Gatineau park
Gatineau park. québec. canada.

a walk around gatineau park collection 20
Gatineau park. québec. canada.
40h 84w in. unframed 46h 90w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 86w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a walk around gatineau park collection 20
Gatineau park. québec. canada.
40h 84w in. unframed 46h 90w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 86w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

a walk in gatineau park collection 16
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a walk in gatineau park collection 16
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

a walk in gatineau park collection 10
40h 40w in. unframed 46h 46w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 42w in. with 1 in. floater
5 000 $ framed or 415 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a walk in gatineau park collection 10
40h 40w in. unframed 46h 46w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 42w in. with 1 in. floater
5 000 $ framed or 415 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

a walk in gatineau park collection 14
20h 60w in. unframed 26h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 22h 62h in. with 1 in. frame
4 400 $ framed or 365 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a walk in gatineau park collection 14
20h 60w in. unframed 26h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 22h 62h in. with 1 in. frame
4 400 $ framed or 365 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

a walk in gatineau park collection 22
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
a walk in gatineau park collection 22
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection
baie-st-paul. charlevoix. Québec. canada.

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 41
baie-st-paul. charlevoix. Québec. canada.
42h 42w in. unframed 48h 48w in. with 3 in. floater frame 44h 44w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 300 $ framed or 440 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 41
baie-st-paul. charlevoix. Québec. canada.
42h 42w in. unframed 48h 48w in. with 3 in. floater frame 44h 44w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 300 $ framed or 440 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 55
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 55
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

Charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 56
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
Charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 56
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 45
36h 60w in. unframed 36h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 45
36h 60w in. unframed 36h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 42
40h 84w in. unframed 46h 90w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 86w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 42
40h 84w in. unframed 46h 90w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 86w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 43
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 43
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 48
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 48
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 46
36h 60w in. unframed 42h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 46
36h 60w in. unframed 42h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 50
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floater frame
900 $ framed plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 50
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floater frame
900 $ framed plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 53
40h 40w in. unframed 46h 46w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 42w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 000 $ framed or 415 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 53
40h 40w in. unframed 46h 46w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 42w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 000 $ framed or 415 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 61
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 61
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 9
view of the beach from the east in baie-st-paul in charlevoix region
view of baie-st-paul from the east. charlevoix region. Québec. Canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 9
view of the beach from the east in baie-st-paul in charlevoix region
view of baie-st-paul from the east. charlevoix region. Québec. Canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection
streetscapes of baie-st-paul and la malbaie. charlevoix area. Québec. canada.

charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 26
hotel le germain in baie-st-paul in Charlevoix region
streetscapes of baie-st-paul and la malbaie. charlevoix area. Québec. canada.
40h 40w in. unframed 46h 46w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 42w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 000 $ framed or 415 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
charlevoix, you never disappoint collection 26
hotel le germain in baie-st-paul in Charlevoix region
streetscapes of baie-st-paul and la malbaie. charlevoix area. Québec. canada.
40h 40w in. unframed 46h 46w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 42w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 000 $ framed or 415 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
folies de l'automne collection
Gatineau park. Québec. canada.

folies du printemps collection 27
Gatineau park. Québec. canada.
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
folies du printemps collection 27
Gatineau park. Québec. canada.
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection
Gatineau park. Québec. canada.

perhaps love collection 22
Gatineau park. Québec. canada.
36h 36w in. unframed 42h 42w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 38w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 500 $ framed or 375 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection 22
Gatineau park. Québec. canada.
36h 36w in. unframed 42h 42w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 38w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 500 $ framed or 375 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

perhaps love collection 29
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection 29
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection
gatineau park. québec. canada.

perhaps love collection 1
gatineau park. québec. canada.
40h 84w in. unframed 46h 90w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 86w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection 1
gatineau park. québec. canada.
40h 84w in. unframed 46h 90w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 86w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

perhaps love collection 3
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection 3
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

perhaps love collection 4
12h 30w in. unframed 18h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 650 $ framed plus hst
perhaps love collection 4
12h 30w in. unframed 18h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 650 $ framed plus hst

perhaps love collection 5
12h 30w in. unframed 18h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 650 $ framed plus hst
perhaps love collection 5
12h 30w in. unframed 18h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 650 $ framed plus hst

perhaps love collection 6
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection 6
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

perhaps love collection 9
18h 18w in. unframed 24h 24w in. with 3 in. floater frame 20h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 500 $ framed plus hst
perhaps love collection 9
18h 18w in. unframed 24h 24w in. with 3 in. floater frame 20h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 500 $ framed plus hst

perhaps love collection 10
18h 18w in. unframed 24h 24w in. wiith 3 in. floater frame 20h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 500 $ framed plus hst
perhaps love collection 10
18h 18w in. unframed 24h 24w in. wiith 3 in. floater frame 20h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 500 $ framed plus hst

perhaps love collection 12
30h 93w in. unframed 36h 99w in. with 3 in. floter frame 32h 95w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
perhaps love collection 12
30h 93w in. unframed 36h 99w in. with 3 in. floter frame 32h 95w in. with 1 in. floater frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
madawaska in white collection
madawaska river. ottawa valley. ontario. canada.
" what good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness" once wrote John Steinbeck (1902-1968), author and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature.
it was mid-January and i was away for the weekend to capture the majestic landscape along the madawaska river in the ottawa valley just south of algonquin park. on a late afternoon as the sun was setting, the trees took on a pinky glow colour. i knew then that it was time to get on my snowshoes and capture the warmth and colours before the day is over.
John Steinbeck was right - we need winter to appreciate how great is summer.

madawaska in white collection 19
madawaska river. ottawa valley. ontario. canada.
40h 60w in. unframed 46h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 42h 62w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
madawaska in white collection 19
madawaska river. ottawa valley. ontario. canada.
40h 60w in. unframed 46h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 42h 62w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

madawaska in white collection 17
30h 72w in. unframed 36h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 32h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
madawaska in white collection 17
30h 72w in. unframed 36h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 32h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
l'automne collection
lac ouareau. st-donat. laurentians. québec. canada.

l'automne collection 51
lac ouareau. st-donat. laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
l'automne collection 51
lac ouareau. st-donat. laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 60w in. unframed 54h 66w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 62w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

L'automne collection 52
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
L'automne collection 52
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

L'automne collection 58
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
L'automne collection 58
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

l'automne collection 56
36h 24w in. 42h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 monnths plus hst
l'automne collection 56
36h 24w in. 42h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 monnths plus hst

l'automne collection 70
parc de la rivière doncaster - sainte-adèle - laurentians - québec - canada
24h 24w in. unframed 30h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 26h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
2 500 $ framed or 210 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
l'automne collection 70
parc de la rivière doncaster - sainte-adèle - laurentians - québec - canada
24h 24w in. unframed 30h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 26h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
2 500 $ framed or 210 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

l'automne collection 74
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floater frame
900 $ framed plus hst
l'automne collection 74
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floater frame
900 $ framed plus hst
lake superior collection
lake superior. ontario. canada.
Lake Superior owns its name because of its size and being the largest of the Great Lakes extending from Minesota Wisconsin Michigan to Ontario. For me, it is a place where the untouched landscape was initially so well captured initially by the Canadian Group of Seven in its rugged unspoiled beauty. Years later its beauty continues to inspire those who take a moment in their busy lives to appreciate nature.

lake superior collection 36
lake superior. ontario. canada.
40h 72w in. unframed 46h 78w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 74w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lake superior collection 36
lake superior. ontario. canada.
40h 72w in. unframed 46h 78w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 74w in. with 1 in. floater frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

lake superior collection 40
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lake superior collection 40
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

lake superior collection 35
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floating frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lake superior collection 35
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floating frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

lake superior collection 41
48h 20w in. unframed 54h 26w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 22w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 000 $ framed or 335 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lake superior collection 41
48h 20w in. unframed 54h 26w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 22w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 000 $ framed or 335 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

lake superior collection 34
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lake superior collection 34
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
summer days in muskoka collection
lake of bays. muskoka. ontario. canada.

summer days in muskoka collection 1
lake of bays. muskoka. ontario. canada.
20h 60w in. unframed 26h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 22h 62w in. with 1 in. floating frame
4 200 $ framed or 350 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
summer days in muskoka collection 1
lake of bays. muskoka. ontario. canada.
20h 60w in. unframed 26h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 22h 62w in. with 1 in. floating frame
4 200 $ framed or 350 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

summer days in muskoka collection 4
24h 72w in. unframed 30h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
5 900 $ framed or 490 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
summer days in muskoka collection 4
24h 72w in. unframed 30h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
5 900 $ framed or 490 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

summer days in muskoka collection 3
24h 24w in. unframed 30h 30w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 26w in. with 1 in. floating frame
2 500 $ framed or 210 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
summer days in muskoka collection 3
24h 24w in. unframed 30h 30w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 26w in. with 1 in. floating frame
2 500 $ framed or 210 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
a new day has come colection
blue mountain region. ontario. canada.
In June 2022, I was privileged to coach 20 artists from the Blue Mountain School of Landscape Painting. It was a thrilling experience for me, and I understand that the five days were a memorable journey for everyone. The five demo paintings that I completed during the week were happily purchased by the participants. I chose to do a collection of the magnificent landscapes of Thornbury-Clarksburg which is part of the Blue Mountains region. A new day has come collection is dedicated to friends of ours who have been waiting for that special day to come for a long time and this year, it came.

a new day has come collection 20
blue mountain region. ontario. canada.
30h 72w in. unframed 36h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 32h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
$6500 framed or $540 per month for 12 months plus hst
a new day has come collection 20
blue mountain region. ontario. canada.
30h 72w in. unframed 36h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 32h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
$6500 framed or $540 per month for 12 months plus hst
let the sunshine in collection
laurentians. québec. canada.
just like the song by the aquarius group - it's about 'letting the sunshine in' us, opening up our hearts and letting peace guide the planet.

let the sunshine in collection 14
laurentians. québec. canada.
24h 34w in. unframed 30h 40w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 36w in. with 1 in. floating frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
let the sunshine in collection 14
laurentians. québec. canada.
24h 34w in. unframed 30h 40w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 36w in. with 1 in. floating frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

let the sunshine in collection 12
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
let the sunshine in collection 12
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
le printemps collection
gatineau park. québec. canada.
Le printemps collection represents a fresh start, a new beginning, a time to reconnect after a long winter. The snow gone, the fresh air, the trees budding again - the sun returning and the days getting longer - yes it’s a new beginning and for many of us especially after the covid journey - it is a time to reconnect with people in person and to celebrate life. There is nothing like a walk through the Gatineau Park to reconnect with nature, friends and family.

le printemps collection 11
gatineau park. québec. canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
$6500 framed or $540 per month for 12 months plus hst
le printemps collection 11
gatineau park. québec. canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
$6500 framed or $540 per month for 12 months plus hst

le printemps collection 16
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floating frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
le printemps collection 16
48h 16w in. unframed 54h 22w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 18w in. with 1 in. floating frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

le printemps collection 20
36h 60w in. unframed 42h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 37h 61w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
le printemps collection 20
36h 60w in. unframed 42h 66w in. with 3 in. floating frame 37h 61w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
le printemps collection
parc de la gatineau. québec. canada.

le printemps collection 21
parc de la gatineau. québec. canada.
40h 72w in. unframed 46h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 42h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
le printemps collection 21
parc de la gatineau. québec. canada.
40h 72w in. unframed 46h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 42h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
7 600 $ framed or 635 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

le printemps collection 5
48h 48w in. unframed 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
le printemps collection 5
48h 48w in. unframed 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
spring at last collection
gatineau park. québec. canada.

Spring at last collection 1
gatineau park. québec. canada.
36h 36w in. unframed 42h 42w in. with 3 in. floating frame 38h 38w in. with 1 in. floating frame
4 500 $ framed or 375 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
Spring at last collection 1
gatineau park. québec. canada.
36h 36w in. unframed 42h 42w in. with 3 in. floating frame 38h 38w in. with 1 in. floating frame
4 500 $ framed or 375 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
l'automne collection
lac pauzé. entrelacs. laurentians. québec. canada.

l'automne collection 21
lac pauzé. entrelacs. laurentians. québec. canada.
40h 80w in. unframed 46h 86w in. with 3 in. floating frame 42h 82w in. with 1 in. floating frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
l'automne collection 21
lac pauzé. entrelacs. laurentians. québec. canada.
40h 80w in. unframed 46h 86w in. with 3 in. floating frame 42h 82w in. with 1 in. floating frame
8 700 $ framed or 725 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

l'automne collection 20
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
l'automne collection 20
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

l'automne collection 31
lac-des-îles - entrelacs - laurentians - québec - canada
12h 36w in. unframed 18h 42w in. with 3 in. floating frame 14h 38w in. with 1 in. floating frame
1 800 $ framed or 300 $ per month for 6 months plus hst
l'automne collection 31
lac-des-îles - entrelacs - laurentians - québec - canada
12h 36w in. unframed 18h 42w in. with 3 in. floating frame 14h 38w in. with 1 in. floating frame
1 800 $ framed or 300 $ per month for 6 months plus hst

l'automne collection 24
la rivière-de-la-diable - tremblant - laurentians - québec - canada
24h 72w in. unframed 30h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
5 900 $ framed or 490 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
l'automne collection 24
la rivière-de-la-diable - tremblant - laurentians - québec - canada
24h 72w in. unframed 30h 78w in. with 3 in. floating frame 26h 74w in. with 1 in. floating frame
5 900 $ framed or 490 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

l'automne collection 43
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floating frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floating frame
900 $ framed plus hst
l'automne collection 43
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floating frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floating frame
900 $ framed plus hst
Yes Spring has sprung collection
Lake Superior. Ontario. Canada.

yes spring has sprung again collection 5
Lake Superior. Ontario. Canada.
15h 30w in. unframed 21h 36w in. with 3 in. floating frame 17h 32w in. with 1 in. floating frame
2 100 $ framed or 350 $ per month for 6 months plus hst
yes spring has sprung again collection 5
Lake Superior. Ontario. Canada.
15h 30w in. unframed 21h 36w in. with 3 in. floating frame 17h 32w in. with 1 in. floating frame
2 100 $ framed or 350 $ per month for 6 months plus hst

yes spring has sprung again collection 1
40h 48w in. unframed 46h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 600 $ framed or 465 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
yes spring has sprung again collection 1
40h 48w in. unframed 46h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 42h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
5 600 $ framed or 465 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

yes spring has sprung again collection 4
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
yes spring has sprung again collection 4
30h 30w in. unframed 36h 36w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 32w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 500 $framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
automne inoubliable collection
la rivère-du-nord. laurentians. québec. canada.

automne inoubliable collection 72
la rivère-du-nord. laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 24w in. unframed 54h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 300 $ framed or 360 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
automne inoubliable collection 72
la rivère-du-nord. laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 24w in. unframed 54h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 50h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
4 300 $ framed or 360 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lumière de provence
provence. france.

lumières de provence collection 54
provence. france.
48h 72w in. unframed 54h 78w in. with 3 in. framed 50h 74w in. with 1 in. frame
7 500 $ framed or 625 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
lumières de provence collection 54
provence. france.
48h 72w in. unframed 54h 78w in. with 3 in. framed 50h 74w in. with 1 in. frame
7 500 $ framed or 625 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
friendly winds from the sea collection
the battery. st john's. newfoundland. canada.

friendly winds from the sea collection 4
the battery. st john's. newfoundland. canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
friendly winds from the sea collection 4
the battery. st john's. newfoundland. canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
friendly winds from the sea collection
trinity. newfoundland. canada.

friendly winds from the sea collection 22
trinity. newfoundland. canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
friendly winds from the sea collection 22
trinity. newfoundland. canada.
48h 48w in. unframed 54h 54w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 50w in. with 1 in. floating frame
6 500 $ framed or 540 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
the lookout collection
lac-des-iles. laurentides. québec. canada.
Situated not far out of the town of Entrelacs is a marvellous far reaching vista of our lake. The locals refer to it as the lookout. For the first time last spring I ventured up there alone on a cold wet day. The view captivated me and I have since returned several time to gaze outward at the many islands scattered throughout our lake and the beautiful mountain range forming a back drop to the north. I selected to paint a fall collection where the water has a warm hue reflecting the late day light on that warm day in early October.

the lookout collection 8
lac-des-iles. laurentides. québec. canada.
20h 30w in. unframed 26h 36w in. with 3 in. floating frame 22h 32w in. with 1 in. floating frame
2 600 $ framed or 215 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
the lookout collection 8
lac-des-iles. laurentides. québec. canada.
20h 30w in. unframed 26h 36w in. with 3 in. floating frame 22h 32w in. with 1 in. floating frame
2 600 $ framed or 215 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
premier sourire du printemps collection
laurentians. québec. canada.
Feel the energy of the new landscape emerging after our cold winter. Our Canadian landscape takes on a new fragrance as we all embrace and smile at the arrival of spring - a season that transforms our landscapes into a mystery.

Premier sourire du printemps collection 38
laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 24w in. unframed 54h 30w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 26w in. with 1 in. floating frame
4 300 $ framed or 360 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
Premier sourire du printemps collection 38
laurentians. québec. canada.
48h 24w in. unframed 54h 30w in. with 3 in. floating frame 50h 26w in. with 1 in. floating frame
4 300 $ framed or 360 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
seaside poetry from atlantic canada collection
nova Scotia. canada.

seaside poetry collection 78
nova Scotia. canada.
20h 28w in. unframed 26h 34w in. with 3 in. floater 22h 30w in. with 1 in. floater
2 300 $ framed or 190 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
seaside poetry collection 78
nova Scotia. canada.
20h 28w in. unframed 26h 34w in. with 3 in. floater 22h 30w in. with 1 in. floater
2 300 $ framed or 190 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

seaside poetry from atlantic canada collection 87
16h 48w in. unframed 22h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per montnh for 12 months plus hst
seaside poetry from atlantic canada collection 87
16h 48w in. unframed 22h 54w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 50w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 200 $ framed or 265 $ per montnh for 12 months plus hst
houses of New Orleans collection
New Orleans. United States.
New Orleans was on the bucket list. Phil and I spent five days in New Orleans with high school friends. New Orleans is well known for its jazz music, but it is also known for its architectural colourful homes. You will find homes dating back to the 1700s. Homes are often attached to each other to provide stability to them as New Orleans is built on top of water. You will find different styles of homes - creole cottages 1790-1850 - American townhouses 1820-50 - creole townhouses 1788 - mid 1800s - raised centre-hall cottages 1803 - 1870 - double- gallery houses 1820 -50 - and the shotgun houses 1850 -1910. And of course there are the Queen Anne style mansions along Saint Charles Avenue that go back to the 1830s. New Orleans has a great night life and the architecture of its homes makes it a very unique place to visit.

Houses of New Orleans collection 4
New Orleans. United States.
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 4
New Orleans. United States.
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

house of new orleans collection 1
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
house of new orleans collection 1
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

Houses of New Orleans collection 3
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 3
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

Houses of new Orleans collection 5
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses of new Orleans collection 5
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

Houses of New Orleans collection 6
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 6
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

Houses of New Orleans collection 9
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 9
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

Houses of New Orleans collection 12
24h 18w in. unframed 30h 24w in. with 3 in. floater frame 26h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 100 $ framed or 260 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 12
24h 18w in. unframed 30h 24w in. with 3 in. floater frame 26h 20w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 100 $ framed or 260 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

Houses of New Orleans collection 13
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floater frame
900 $ framed plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 13
12h 12w in. unframed 18h 18w in. with 3 in. floater frame 14h 14w in. with 1 in. floater frame
900 $ framed plus hst

Houses of New Orleans collection 11
36h 24w in. unframed 42h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 26w in. with 1 in. frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 11
36h 24w in. unframed 42h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 38h 26w in. with 1 in. frame
3 500 $ framed or 290 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

Houses of New Orleans collection 10
30h 24w in. unframed 36h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 100 $ framed or 260 $ per month for 12 months plus hst
Houses of New Orleans collection 10
30h 24w in. unframed 36h 30w in. with 3 in. floater frame 32h 26w in. with 1 in. floater frame
3 100 $ framed or 260 $ per month for 12 months plus hst

Houses in New Orleans collection 18
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses in New Orleans collection 18
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

Houses in New Orleans collection 19
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses in New Orleans collection 19
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

Houses in New Orleans collection 20
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Houses in New Orleans collection 20
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst

houses in new orleans collection 21
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
houses in new orleans collection 21
16h 16w in. unframed 22h 22w in. with 3 in. floater frame 18h 18w in. with 1 in. floater frame
1 250 $ framed plus hst
Ses tableaux sont exposés dans de nombreuses collections privées aux États-Unis, en Allemagne, au Portugal, au Royaume-Uni, en Écosse, aux Pays-Bas, au Liban, au Kenya, en Tanzanie, à Singapour, au Chili, en Argentine, en Australie et d’un bout à l’autre du Canada.
Parallèlement, des ambassades, des galeries d’art, des municipalités, de grandes sociétés et des organismes du gouvernement canadien se sont portés acquéreurs de ses toiles, à savoir :
Scotia McLeod Inc., Gowlings, Domicile Developments Inc., Charlesfort Development, Sakto Corporation, East Lane Developments, Routeburn Group, Taylor and Craig Associates, London Club, National Capital Business Rideau Club, Memorial University, Sklar Wilton and Associates, Barry J. Hobin and Associates Architects, Fenêtres MQ, Nelligan, O’Brien and Payne, Donnelly Pontiac Buick, Candrive, 4té Interior Design, Kmob Martems, Hulse Playfair and McGarry, Stewart Associates, Basset Direct, ZW Group, BBB Architects, Coutu Champagne Avocats, Reynolds Consulting.
galeries et salles d’exposition
Les huiles sur toile de Gordon Harrison sont également présentées dans nombre de galeries d’art de tout le pays, à savoir la Galerie d’art canadien McMichael, la Galerie Michael Gibson, la Galerie Petroff, le Rideau Club, la galerie Lorimer, le Muskoka Heritage & Boat Centre, la Galerie Arcadia, la Galerie IPO, les Galeries Lane, les Galeries Christin, la Galerie Jack Pine, les Galeries Koyman, la Galerie des beaux-arts de Marbo, la Galerie Perth, Art in the Village, la Galerie Tangerine Gecko, ainsi qu’à ses ateliers de New Edinburgh à ottawa et des Laurentides, puis à la Galerie des paysages canadiens Gordon Harrison, promenade Sussex, à Ottawa, et avenue de la gare à saint-sauveur dans les laurentides.
L’œuvre de Gordon Harrison fait partie intégrante de la culture canadienne. Ainsi, ses toiles ont récemment été exposées à la Galerie d’art canadien McMichael, au International Artexpo de New York, au Toronto Art Expo, au Festival international Expo Art du Vieux-Port de Montréal, au Festival des beaux-arts de la capitale nationale, à Portes ouvertes Ontario, au Centre national des arts d’Ottawa, au Festival des arts du maire d’Ottawa, au Merrickville Landscape and Wildlife Show, à l’exposition automnale du Ottawa Art Association, au Festival canadien des tulipes, au Bal de neige, au Tour guidé sur l’art du canal Rideau, au Elmwood Art and Home Fair, dans le Canadian House and Home Magazine, magazine culturel québécois Traces, le magazine Ottawa at Home, dans les établissements Les Fougères, La Chaumière du Village et À l’Express Gourmand.
Pour connaître les prochains vernissages et tous les événements à venir, consultez les pages du site.
l’art, source d’inspiration
Un projet conçu par l’artiste peintre et son partenaire galeriste, Phil Émond, en 2009.
Encourager les jeunes de la relève à cultiver leur talent artistique et à découvrir la beauté du paysage canadien fait partie de l’héritage que l’artiste tient à léguer à la jeune génération.
Au cours de ce voyage d’exploration, nous offrons aux écoliers, en collaboration avec les programmes d’arts visuels, l’occasion d’expérimenter la vie d’artiste, en leur permettant de créer, sous l’œil vigilant du maître, leurs propres œuvres qui, par la suite, seront exposées à la Galerie Gordon Harrison.
En 2009-2010, la galerie a tenu une exposition intitulée « Les couleurs du Canada, d’un océan à l’autre » qui présentait les œuvres de 41 élèves de 8e année, inscrits à l’école Turnbull.
En 2010-2011, c’est avec fierté que la Galerie a exposé les œuvres des élèves de 3e, 4e et 5e année de l’Académie Counterpoint. Avec leur accord, les œuvres ont été vendues à l’encan et les profits ont été remis à la fondation Jump Rope for Heart and Stroke.
En 2011-2012, 20 élèves de la 6e année, inscrits au Collège Ashbury, ont pu aussi exposer leur propre paysage canadien à la Galerie. Grâce à cet événement, des fonds ont pu être amassés pour le nouveau Centre d’apprentissage des arts créatifs.
En 2012-2013, les élèves des classes de 3e et de 4e année de l’école publique D. Roy Kennedy ont exposé des œuvres intitulées « La beauté du Canada ». Les fonds amassés lors du vernissage ont été remis au Camp Maple Leaf. Tous nos remerciements à l’enseignante Mary-Ann Quist.
En 2014-2015, 21 élèves de l’école Montessori, âgés de 9 à 12 ans, ont créé des œuvres intitulées « Les esprits créatifs canadiens ». Tous nos remerciements à l’enseignante Beth MacKay.
En 2016, 45 élèves de l’école St. Mildred, à Oakville, prendront part au projet L’art, source d’inspiration, à leur tour.
Nous remercions tous les élèves que nous continuons d’inspirer, et souhaitons qu’ils poursuivent l’aventure avec nous.
Si vous souhaitez prendre part à ce type de projet, veuillez communiquer avec la Galerie des paysages canadiens Gordon Harrison.
toiles vendues par région du Canada
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gordon harrison and 45 grade 5 students from st. mildred’s-lightbourn school – march 2016
nouvelle galerie d’art gordon harrison à saint-sauveur – cogeco tv – octobre 2015
ctv news with leanne cusack – interview with canadian landscape artist gordon harrison and galleries phil émond – 2010
ctv news with leanne cusack – the apprentices of gordon harrison- 2015
rogers tv – a journey with gallerist phil emond at the gordon harrison canadian landscape gallery – 2011
classicial 96.3 fm – gallerist sarah petroff gallery presents gordon harrison – 2012