Gordon Harrison Artist Studio
Hours of Operation:
Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m
81 John St.
The artist studio was built in 1898 and originally served as the gardener’s cottage for the original owner, Alexander Lumsden. A gardener’s cottage is located directly north of the coach house and appears to date from the same period. This structure is shown in 1901 fire insurance plans and is attached to a long and narrow green house building. The one-and-a-half-storey cottage has a medium-sloped roof with returned eaves. It features a projecting entry with gabled roof supported by decorative sawn brackets and also boasts a ‘spider’s web’ triangular transom light. There are two-over-six, triple windows on east elevation. The high foundation wall is of stone construction while upper walls are finished in smooth stucco. Good example of Queen Anne-inspired design. It is very compatible with the heritage character of New Edinburgh and reinforces the heritage designation of the area.
Bus Routes:
OC Transpo